The Conversation

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The Conversation

okay, thought I would give a small backstory for the Varns family so none of us forget, mostly me. Just basic info.

Daniel Varns – Dark hair, curly, bright gray eyes, sharp nose and smile. Dead at 30

Fran Varns – blonde hair, straight, dark hazel eyes, perfect features and warm smile dead at 25 from complications of birth.

Curtis Alan Varns-Tyler – straight dark hair, bright hazel eyes, sharp nose, and warm smile. (two years older than Drea)

Seth Daniel Varns-Tyler – straight dark hair, bright gray eyes, sharp nose and smile. (Two years older than Drea)

Dreana Francine Varns straight blonde hair, hazel eyes, and perfectly sharp features (orphaned at five, and two years younger than the twins)


Okay now that that's out of the way, back to the story


Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Alright, sit," he said, motioning for Severus and Hermione to sit. Severus jerked his head towards the couch across from Lucius' chair. Hermione quickly sat the closest to the floo, in case she had to make a get away. She was not very comfortable here, but she wasn't going to sit around on her free time waiting for Severus' answers. He took the seat closest to his old friend.

"What do I owe this...pleasure, Severus?" Lucius asked, trying to be polite.

Severus ignored the slight displeasure in Malfoy's voice and felt pleased. He was not going to make this easy for his old friend. He was the logical choice for the capture of the twins. Narrowing his eyes, Severus thought for a moment the best way to approach this. Blunt. Blunt would be best. Don't beat around the bush.

"Drea came to see me yesterday, Lucius. She had some very eventful news," he said slowly, watching Malfoy's face closely. 'Would you like to hear what Drea told me?"

Lucius smiled and scofffed. "Of course I would Severus," he said as if it insulted him. However, Severus could see a trace of something there, hidden beneath his pride.

"I thought you would," Severus simply stated. "She told me, she was down in Knockturn Alley by Borgan and Burkes when she saw two young men that reminded her of her father, our friend, Daniel Varns. Obviously it couldn't have been him, since the Dark Lord killed him before he attempted to murder Potter. However, she came up with the perfect reason why those two boys looked so much like her father." Severus paused for a moment, to draw Lucius in closely. He was slightly panicking. Severus could tell.

"She said that they were her older brothers, you remember the twins, Lucius. Two years older than Drea and got kidnapped?" Severus started again.

Hermione was watching Lucius without blinking. She wasn't going to miss a thing. She could tell that there was something wrong with him, just couldn't put her finger on it. She hoped that Severus could. As she listened to his smooth, cold voice, much different from the softer voice that she had heard more and more these past few days of detention, she almost shivered. She knew he was back in his old "Survival Death-eater" mode.

He would show no emotions, well like he did anyway, but he wouldn't show anything except what was necessary to survive this. That Drea must really be special to him, she couldn't help but think. Somewhere inside her, she felt let down. She just didn't know where.

Severus was focused on Lucius solely, so when he heard somewhere inside his mind that Drea was really special to him, it gave him a moment of confusion. Then he suddenly remembered Hermione. Granger. She was still here and must have thought that. He just didn't know for sure how he could hear her thought when he wasn't using the magic to. He pushed it out of his mind. He had to focus completely on Lucius.

"Really, that's great news, Severus."

"Yes, but the fact is, now their case will be brought to the attention of the Ministry again, since they have been found. It will take months to get everything straight and even convince those boys of who they are. However, they will remember, and when they do, they will most certainly point their fingers to someone who will be taken to Azkaban for life in prison without a trial. So, naturally, Daniel being our friend, I have started looking for the boys again, and who their captures are. After all these years, all Daniel's children will be together again." Severus stated plainly, letting Lucius know exactly what he plans to do when he catches the kidnapper.

Clearing his throat, Lucius nodded. "Yes, well, I hope to be of use to you in your project, Severus. After all, he was my friend as well."

"Of course, now, I've got to go. School, you understand," Severus stated, standing up. Hermione followed, not taking her eyes from Lucius'. Something was there that she couldn't put her fingers on.

"Granger, we must take our leave," Severus called her over. They flooed back together, landing in his private chambers again. He immediately took his wand out and withdrew a long silver strand of memory to which he gently placed inside an empty vial and labeled Lucius Malfoy Kidnapped Varns Twins Information

"Sir, Do you think that Lucius was hiding something?" Hermione asked quietly.

For several minutes, he said nothing, just stood there staring at the wall. He was deep in thought. Thinking back when Daniel was alive. Daniel was like his brother. It hurt him as much as it hurt him when Lily died. Then he thought about Lucius' face, the hidden expression.

"He did it. And I'm going to send him where he belongs!" Severus said harshly, slamming his fist down on his desk.

Hermione jumped, unsure of what to do. She knew soon she had to go to her classes unless she wanted Minerva or someone else to come looking for her in here again. Even though there was nothing going on here. She was sure the deputy headmistress wouldn't see it that way.

"Well, I have to go now, thank you for last night and this morning. I rather enjoyed it, sir," she said, walking to the door.

Severus wanted to call her back. But he couldn't bring himself to. If anyone found her in his private rooms again, then Albus would have his head. He rather liked his head where it was, as it turned out.

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