An Unexpected Gift

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An Unexpected Gift

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Almost a month had passed since Severus and Hermione's "date" as they called it. Once a week, usually on Wednesday, since they both could say they had a load of work to do, they skipped dinner in the great hall and ate in his chambers. She was still avoiding Harry and Ron, which scared them. She had never been like this before. Even with all their arguments. She wasn't angry at them, she just didn't want to talk with them. Harry and Ron were busy with Dueling Club every other night, which they loved. So, it wasn't a total loss. They still wanted to figure out what was going on with their friend. Ginny had said more than once to keep away from Hermione if they knew what was good for them. It wasn't because she knew something. It was a warning. Hermione would tell them when she got good and ready.

Severus was loving the fact that he and Hermione were keeping such a dangerous secret from everyone. Although, by the looks that Severus got from Albus and Minerva when they found him and Hermione in a corridor alone, of which Hermione was genuinely asking a question about potions (which wasn't that often) they knew something was up. He was sure they could feel the change in atmosphere around them. Severus, being a Slytherin, adored the atmosphere change and the looks of disgust from his colleagues, who had no doubt been informed to keep a look out on the two of them. They hadn't had sex since the "date", which was getting slightly annoying to Severus. He wanted her, badly.

Although many would disagree, their relationship didn't interfere with their classwork. He still graded her fairly, like everyone else. Though, there wasn't much of a difference between the two grades of Before and After they had slept together. She had made sure of that. Overly thorough with her research and potions. While the healers at St. Mungo's had said that the potion Hermione had finished didn't work fully, they had said that it broke some of the damage down. Take Lochart, for example, he started remembering a little of his past. Mostly his "misadventures", which he kept to himself. The Healers found that as a giant step in the right direction. Thinking that if more treatments of the potion would help.

They had received Severus' potion just the day before the news came out on Hemrione's potion, and started testing it. They promised to keep him informed, hoping that it would help with Hermione's potion. Secretly, Severus was hoping that too. However, it could make it worse. Only time would tell.

Severus was walking Hermione to her last class, his having been done with for the day. They were talking about the properties of the sophorus bean when Hermione stopped mid-sentence. A lump was rising in her throat. She had to get to the bathroom. Taking one look at Severus, she ran as fast as she could to the closest bathroom. Severus was right on her tail, worried sick himself.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" he asked, following her into the bathroom, after making sure no one else was in there.

She didn't respond at first. Instead, vomited her lunch into the toilet. Severus winced at her obvious discomfort. After several moments, Hermione sighed heavily. "I'm just sick to my stomach, Severus, its okay."

Severus didn't believe her. She was obviously thinking hard. About what was what Severus wanted to know.

"Se-Severus, what did we –" she broke off, worry in her eyes.

Not understanding, he replied, "Almost a month ago, why?" He helped her up, holding her close to him.

Her eyes went wide with excited fear. "Uh – I – I think I ma-may be pregnant," she told him softly, so only he could hear. Although he almost didn't hear her. His stomach went upside down, his heart seemed to stop, and a rock had just hit him on the head. That night, he didn't pull out. He wanted to curse himself into oblivion. He promised himself he wouldn't do that. Yet, here he did it.

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