Take a glance at me, look at my face
You'll turn away, disappointed at what you see, and frankly I agree
Some stay and see past the face, make me feel like I have a place
But soon that sympathy turns evil, replaced with greed
For what they see isn't a face nor a person
A thing that has no feelings or emotion is what they see
An advantage, something they don't care to worsen
And best thing about it, they leave pain free
They come in innocent enough, treat you kind
You get close to them, giving them your trust and care
Then something changes, and you see they have something else in mind
And it all collapses, becoming just too much to bare
You see when it comes down to it, you never were their vantage
All you ever were was a simple advantage
The Poetry Book
PoetryA poetry book that gets filled on most days! Have any suggestions? Send me a message or leave a comment on my most recent entry. Thanks!