bless this house

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A/N - welcome to the sequel that I took ages to begin! So, I have absolutely zero ideas for plot for the first half of this story so it will be one shot style chapters. (Half of them will be smut which I'm sure some of you horny people will be pleased about.) Planning on having one shots with fluff and cute domestic moments until the canon plot kicks back in; it gives opportunity to give Emily and Y/N a break of ANGST. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I hope I'll see a few returning readers from Undercover Lovers :)

Warnings: smut; dom/sub undertones, fingering, oral, strap on use, praise, sex in every room heheheh

June 2012

Your head was beading with sweat, the t-shirt and shorts seemingly not good enough at combating the summer heat and the light breeze coming through the window not enough to cool you down. You stretched up to watch the roller cover the last part of the wall with paint before letting out a relieved sigh and wiping the sweat from your brow with the back of your hand.

You stood back with a smile, the room was completely decorated now, soft furnishings and freshly painted walls, a bookcase full of books and the TV ready to be watched. You and Emily had found the perfect two floor apartment in London, not too far from the offices and it was finally becoming a home.

You made your way over to the window, gazing out at the streets below, huffing a laugh at the small crash and stream of expletives that followed it from upstairs. It was a surreal sight, the landscape from yours and Emily's new home - your much needed fresh start after the shit you'd been through.

It was finally happening, the happy life you'd both been striving for, nothing to drag you down. You had each other and that was enough, never did you think Emily Prentiss would be the person you'd settle down with but here you are. In a world full of uncertainty, being sure of this one thing - of her - was enough.

Sergio hopped onto the windowsill, nudging at your hand for some attention and purring at the way you scratched behind his ear.

"You like your new sunbathing spot, bud?" You cooed, tickling his belly when he rolled over onto his back.

A strong pair of arms curled around your waist from behind and a certain someone's chin made itself at home on your shoulder.

"Seeing you at this window is a vision." She murmured beside your ear. "Seeing you in our new home - our home!" She grinned excitedly, hugging you tightly as you giggled.

"I can't believe we have a home." You laughed, stroking your hand over her arm. "And it's not scary or anything - it's so exciting."

"I'm so excited, love. I'm happy." She returned with a series of quick pecks to your cheek. "Are you?"

"Mhm, so so happy." You smiled, turning in her arms and draping yours over her shoulders.

"We deserve this." Emily spoke, hazel eyes returning your gaze.

"We do." You nodded, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Ew, sweaty."

"Shut up." She laughed. "I just single handedly built our bed which, by the way, needs breaking in."

"I'm sure it does." You chuckled, pressing a kiss to her lips. "But first you need a shower, stinky." You added, laughing at her shocked expression and playful shove she gave you before you hurried away from her. She chased you with a laugh as you squealed, finally catching up with you with a firm hold of your hips.

"Come shower with me." She rasped, inching her hands upwards beneath your shirt. And the way she looked at you when you pulled it over your head was unrivalled, lustful eyes grazing over your body appreciatively before she pulled you into her pressing her lips to yours.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now