room with a view

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i am addicted to emily smut, i fear

warnings: smut; exhibitionism, oral to a strap, strap use, instructed masturbation, slight degradation, mommy kink, dom/sub, choking kinda 

May 2015

You were in the middle of a case that was taking longer than you'd hoped, already on your second week in Paris with however long left and it was tiring. Your hotel room had a beautiful view though, large windows looking out over the lit up skyline, eiffel tower peeking out in the distance.

And with the dark night sky and scattering of stars it was idyllic, you smiled slightly at the view, closing your eyes with a sigh just trying to breath away the exhaustion from the past week.

You didn't hear the padding of Emily's feet against the carpet, only becoming aware of her presence behind you when you felt her hands rest on your waist and her chin rest on your shoulder.

"Hi." She whispered with a smile that you could hear in her voice, letting her hands trail down to the sides of your bare thighs as you leant your head into her.

"Hi. Whatcha doin'?" You asked her with a slight laugh, loving the feeling of her hands pushing beneath your t-shirt to mindlessly stroke at the skin of your side. She pressed a kiss to your neck with a smile you could feel against you.

"We're having the evening to destress." She muttered, moving even closer into you so you could feel her strap brush against your ass. She laughed at your surprised squeak before spinning you round to face her.

"How could I refuse such an offer?"

You drank in the sight before you, Emily's body only covered in an open silk nightgown and her hair scooped behind her ears. It was a bold move but one she let you make, pulling her face to yours with a hold on the back of her neck, pushing your lips against hers eagerly.

She moaned quietly into your mouth at the way you squeezed at her breast, pinching a pert nipple between your finger and thumb. You ran your tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance, pushing it against hers when she compiled. The kiss was heated and passionate, a dormant yearning from the day being set loose.

You felt that cocky smirk she pulled when a just about audible whimper sounded at the back of your throat when her strap nudged at your clothed cunt, teasing you just as she'd planned. She loved to see you like this, unable to keep your hands off her, trailing your lips across her neck and over her chest until they latched around a nipple.

Your teeth grazed over the bud in a way that drives her wild, she cupped the back of your head to keep you close, flicking your tongue over the sensitive nipple with your hips moving on their own just trying to alleviate some of the pressure between your thighs, moving over the length of her cock.

You wordlessly kissed the skin between her breasts, lowering yourself with a pathway of pecks down her abdomen with one placed atop her scar as you always did, she watched with darkened eyes and parted lips as you did so.

You got lower and lower until you positioned yourself on your knees, holding onto her hips with kisses to her upper thighs. She groaned at the sight of your tongue licking over the length of her strap, a wordless act of submission to get her ready for you and she cupped your chin with a thumb pushing past your lips whilst you peered up at her.

"My perfect girl, so good for mommy aren't you, hm?" She spoke, smiling when you nodded.

When she moved her hand she pushed the tip of her cock into your lips looking at you expectantly but was instantly satisfied when you parted them obediently, allowing the length to push into your mouth. She moved her hips in time with the bobbing of your head, feeling the way you took her so well with the double ended strap hitting against her amazingly.

It only made her starving for you. The way you peered up at her through your lashes and tear glazed eyes, swallowing her so well with your nails digging into her thighs. It glistened with your spit when she pulled away, a line clinging to the tip and your lips that just made you look so sweet.

She was so eager to ravish you that she wordlessly pulled you to your feet before turning you round to face the window.

"We can't let this view go to waste." She muttered beside your ear, linking her fingers with yours to guide your hands in front of you, pressing your palms against the glass. "And maybe Paris can get a little show of its own, let 'em see how perfect my little slut is." She cooed, pulling your underwear down your legs to toss them aside.

"Maybe they'll see how good I am and take me for themselves." You retorted, earning a scoff from the woman behind you.

"Mm mm." She tutted with a shake of her head. "Brats don't get rewards, remember." She added with a harsh squeeze of your hips and a kick to your ankle that pushed your legs apart. "You gonna be good?" She asked as she pushed your t-shirt upwards to bunch up around your waist.

"Yes, mommy." You nodded, choking out a moan at the sudden intrusion of her dick pushing into your pussy, stretching around every inch. She started with slow strokes, pulling out and pushing back into your wet cunt to get you used to the feeling with her hold tight on your hips.

You could see one another in the reflection of the window, locking eyes, her lips were parted and written over her face was pure lust. She smirked at the way your mouth fell open at the harsh pace she began, the sound of her skin slapping against yours sounding in the room.

The thrill of being so visible to the street below made you clench around her, the fact that anybody could see you getting fucked if they looked up at your room. It made your head swim.

Emily moaned through her heavy breaths at the way the strap was hitting against her too, coil in her belly tightening, so in awe at the sight of your face in the glass, your hands pressed flat against it with small pleasure filled grunts coming from you. Your breaths left steamed up smudges in front of you and you squeezed your eyes closed at how good she was making you feel, cheeks hot and a thin coating of sweat gathering on your forehead.

"You're taking me so well, baby. Makin' me feel so good." She stuttered out, the thrusts of her hips growing sloppy with how close to the edge she was. "Touch yourself for me."

You did as she said, reaching down to rub a fingertip over your swollen and sensitive clit, moaning out at the feeling.

"Fuck, mommy 'm so close."

"I am too." She breathed out with a moan with her nails scratching over your back, digging into the flesh of your hips painfully but it only brought you closer to your release.

You were audibly soaked, she revelled in the sound of your wet cunt each time she snapped her hips into yours, seeing how your slick coated her cock. It didn't take much more of the circles drawn over your clit for you to cry out in pleasure with your forehead pushing into the window with your breathing laboured and Emily still fucking into you to chase her own orgasm.

It followed not too long after with her hip movements stuttering and a moan tumbling through her lips. She didn't leave much time for you to recover before she wrapped her fingers around your throat, guiding your body upwards to press your back flush against her front.

Her teeth grazed over your pulse point, biting into your skin with a suck and a soothing lick of her tongue.

"I think there's still some stress left." You breathed. "And I think I need your help with it."

She laughed into the crook of your neck but quickly did as you wished and though you'd be sleepy the following morning, it was a clean slate with the tension washed away.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now