never too cold for ice cream

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September 2012

"This is nice." You smiled to Emily who stood beside you whilst you browsed the shelves for Sergio's favourite food.

"Mm, it is. I like doing these simple things with you." She answered, linking her hand with yours.

"We're getting him these treats too."

"You spoil him."

"He deserves to be spoiled, my son deserves the world." You answered only to receive a playful eye roll from Emily. "Don't worry, you're a very close second as my favourite." You winked before stalking off in search for the tills, throwing a couple of cat toys into the basket as well.

The walk home wasn't too far and the air was warm with a soft breeze, leaves beginning their descent and scuffing underfoot. Clouds littered the sky with a gentle sunlight seeping through.

It wasn't a surprise when Emily steered you both in the direction of her favourite ice cream shop, a giddy smile on her face at the approaching building and she was no doubt thinking of what she wanted to order already.

"Is it not too cold for ice cream?" You questioned and she looked at you almost in disgust with a disapproving turn of her lips and wide eyes and you knew you'd messed up, pinching your lips together to fight back a laugh.

"Excuse me?" She gasped dramatically. "Too cold? Too cold for ice cream?" She added with a disappointed shake of her head. "You better watch your mouth, what a horrible thing to say. Now, pick a flavour."

You still thought it was a little cold on this cloudy afternoon for a scoop of mint choc chip in a cone but you'd never tell her so, instead just walking side by side whilst licking the deliciousness and suffering through bouts of brain freeze.

She nudged you with her elbow once she'd very quickly finished her cone, today was strawberry, one of the many flavours on the menu she's working her way through. You looked at her to find her smirking playfully.

"Hey. My hand is kinda heavy, could you hold it?" She asked you, stroking her fingers down your forearm until they brushed against yours and you couldn't help but giggle at her. The love of your life is such a dork, not that she'd let anybody but you see this side of her.

"I'm not sure that's how the line goes, darling." You returned grinningly. "But you're so fucking cute so how could I resist?" You added, squeezing her hand when you slotted your fingers with hers and revelled in the soft warmth of her palm against yours.

She led you both to a park bench overlooking a view of a lake with swans gliding across under the grey blue sky, through the reflection of beams of light on the water's surface and you could feel the darting of her eyes in your direction.

"Do you want some?" You asked her amusedly, catching her eyes looking at the depleting ice cream in your grasp. You brought it up to her mouth at the eager nod she gave you, letting her lick some of the minty drips away. You couldn't pull it away without a mischievous push into her nose leaving a light green dollop on the end.

"You little shit." She laughed with a wipe of her finger over her nose and a lick of the same digit to clean it up. You watched happily at the sight and caught the way her gaze changed with eyes searching your face, watching as you bit into the cone, a softening of her features in a way you usually miss. But she can't help but look at you with adoration, it's a daily occurrence. Just these simple carefree moments with laughs unrestrained and a cheeky playfulness she finds endearing, the sound of your laugh and just the mere fact that she gets to witness it all.

She gets to see you in all of these simple moments, only her. When you pour your favourite cereal into a bowl and tuck in with childish glee and when she walks in on you rolling around playfully with Sergio and one of his many toys or even when she sees you after a shower freshly washed with plump skin and damp hair as you climb into the bed you share. Only Emily gets to witness you in all of your natural glory and only you witness her, seeing each other fully in mutual acceptance.

"I love you, Y/N/N." She muttered with a kiss to your temple and an arm over your shoulders pulling you into her. "I love you even more than I did yesterday and I think I'll love you more each day."

Her words almost stunned you into silence with your mouth curving into the brightest grin and your lips pecking hers that were smiling equally.

"I love you too, Em. More and more each day forever."

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now