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smut; fingering, thigh riding, mommy kink

December 2014

"Sergio, buddy, you look so handsome." Emily cooed with a scratch beneath his chin, admiring the Christmas jumper he was wearing. It was surprising how keen he was to wear it and now you can't get him to take it off.

"The most precious boy." You agreed and the black haired cat purred at the attention he was receiving before padding away to the kitchen for more food whilst you snuggled up to Emily with Christmas movies playing on the TV.

"Oh, babe, I found something." She spoke and you could hear the smirk in her voice before you saw it.

"Em, you're so cheesy." You laughed, eyeing the sprig of mistletoe she held between her finger and thumb above your heads.

"Hm, maybe." She shrugged. "But no one would believe you if you told them." She added menacingly, closing the gap between you with her eggnog tasting lips pressing to yours softly.

Her kiss never failed to take claim of your body, leaning into her, pulling her face ever closer as it heated up. She discarded the plant, taking hold of your waist desperately with her tongue licking into your mouth and her teeth nipping at your bottom lip.

Her hands landed on your waist beneath your shirt, warm and soft against your skin as she guided you onto your back until you were lying beneath her on the sofa, one leg slotted between hers and the other wrapping around her hips to pull her into you.

"I love you so much." She breathed against your cheek as she scattered kisses across it, pecking over your jaw and your neck until she bit into the skin beneath your ear.

"I love you too." You smiled back breathlessly, dragging your nails up the perfect skin of her waist, palming at her breasts beneath her shirt with your thumbs flicking over her hard nipples.

Choked breath landed against your skin at the action, she pushed her chest into you further, shivers through her spine at the way you squeezed at the pillowy flesh. Emily was so hungry for you that her hips moved into you on their own accord, her clothed cunt pushed into your thigh and you lifted your leg firmly against her, smirking to yourself at the small moan that tumbled from her lips.

"Don't look so smug." She muttered with her darkened eyes looking into yours, allowing you to grab her ass and guide her body over your legs in a way that rubbed her throbbing clit. One hand held her body up, the other held the side of your neck with her thumb pushing onto your throat teasingly.

Emily gave no warning before she slipped her hand past the waistband of your trousers, fingers sliding through your wet folds, pushing into your pussy easily with a curl and a thumb putting pressure on your clit. You groaned into her mouth at the feeling when she kissed you again, just a hot tangle of limbs in the living room ignoring whatever movie played on in the background.

You could feel the heat of her cunt on your thigh as she fucked herself using your body, you could see the flush of her cheeks as she panted above you. The moan she let out when your lips latched around her nipple was music to your ears, a perfectly raspy grunt you could revel in forever as your tongue licked over the bud. Her nipples were always sensitive, the grazing of your teeth against them with a pull never failed to send pleasure pulsing through her.

You could see how turned on she was, lips parted and the thrusting of her hips erratic and twitching - it only brought you closer and closer to your release. Seeing how you could make her feel made your cunt clench around her fingers.

"Fuck, you're gonna make mommy cum, sweetheart." She rasped, lifting your shirt to suck the skin of your breast, leaving a harsh mark she'd admire later.

The coil tightening in her belly spurred on her movements, hastening the pumping of her digits into you. She could hear how wet you were, could feel you dripping onto her knuckles and your hips bucking into her with every rub over your clit.

You were lost together, climbing closer and closer to orgasm. Neither of you cared to even acknowledge the ringtone sounding beside you, too lost in each other to care right now.

You came onto her fingers with a loud moan, fingers grasping at her back as the feeling flooded your senses. It was enough of a sight to make her orgasm follow closely behind, a low grunt and a furrow of her eyebrows with swollen lips parting in breath. The movement of her hips slowed, riding your thigh through her climax as the phone rang again. You shared a look but hoped to ignore it until it rang for the third time.

"Ignore it." You uttered, holding onto Emily when she tried to move towards it, attempting to distract her with open mouthed and sloppy kisses to her neck. And it worked at first, she leant into you and smiled at your breathy voice when you muttered against her. "Please. I want more - I need more mommy, please."

And then the dreaded noise came again and you both groaned in exasperation.

"Who the fuck is calling on Christmas?" You huffed.

"I don't know but it might be important." She answered, stretching across to grab the phone from the coffee table. "And this will continue later baby, can't leave you all needy can I?" She winked, not even looking at the screen when she answered the call.

"Happy holidays, my little London pumpkins!"


"Of course it's me - and everyone else of course." And it was true, all of the BAU patched into a video call and until that moment Emily didn't even know she'd not answered a regular phone call, too distracted by your pout.

"Hi everybody." You grinned, poking your head over Emily's shoulder to make your face visible too.

"Emily, are you okay, you're looking a little flushed. Were you asleep? Did I wake you up or something, sometimes I forget about the time difference-"

"Oh, no, Em's okay - the um, fire was on and it got a little hot." You stuttered out as convincingly as you could, brushing her messed up hair back into place.

The private text message sent from JJ's phone to yours, however, was enough to tell you it wasn't convincing enough. Your apartment doesn't even have a fireplace.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now