my biggest heart

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I've included a few quotes from literature that i feel resonate with their relationship in various ways - in hopes to provide a cute little chapter with some insight into how i see them

I have quoted a letter from vita sackville west written to virginia woolf and another written by emily dickinson to sue gilbert (i recommend reading them as i love them both so much, i actually know vita's by heart lol)
I find them to be relevant to reader's feelings towards emily but they also heavily resonate to the time where she was without emily when she was 'dead' 

August 2015

Emily's nails idly scratched at your scalp where your head lay in her lap, only moving temporarily to flick the page of her book to the next. It was quiet, comfort in the sounds of one another's breaths and the rustling of paper now and then, broken by voices muttering quotes you'd read.

A perfect day off from work.

"I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a squeal of pain."

Her reading paused as you uttered the words, listening fondly with a stroking of her thumb over your cheek.

"It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I'm sure you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoiled creature."

You linked your fingers with hers where her hand rested on your shoulder.

"...You have broken down my defenses, and I don't really resent it."

Your sentence was punctuated with a kiss to her knuckles and you smiled up at her when her lips pressed against your forehead, a small act of adoration before returning to your own books. The only time it was interrupted was when the clicking of her phone startled your eyes away from your page.

She grinned at you sheepishly when you peered up at her, retreating her phone away from you with a photo she'd taken on the screen.

"What? You look so perfect and cute when you're reading." She defended with a shrug. "Plus, the team back in Virginia would love to see this."

"You're such a nuisance." You tutted with a small laugh, rolling your eyes at the notification you heard from your phone - the BAU group chat receiving a photo of you snuggled in a blanket with your head on Emily's lap, eyes focused on your book and your face leaning into her hand on your cheek.

"When I look around me and find myself alone, I sigh for you again; little sigh, vain sigh, which will not bring you home.

I need you more and more, and the great world grows wider, and dear ones fewer and fewer, every day that you stay away - I miss my biggest heart..."

You paused from your recitation of the passage with a large yawn, one that made Emily chuckle.

"Susie, forgive me darling, for every word I say - my heart is full of you, none other than you in my thoughts, yet when I seek to say to you something not for the world, words fail me...

We need not talk at all, our eyes whisper for us and your hand fast in mine...I try to bring you nearer, I chase the weeks away till they are quite departed and fancy you have come.

I shall grow more and more impatient until that dear day comes, for till now, I have only mourned for you; now I begin to hope for you."

You yawned again with another following soon after, Emily had been listening to them for a while now.

"Love, as much as I absolutely adore you reading to me, I think you need to take a nap." She cooed with her lips ghosting your hairline and her nails drawing soothing circles on the skin of your hip.

"I'm not tired."

"Okay." She scoffed in amusement at your usual stubbornness. "This is the fifth time you've yawned in the last thirty minutes."

"Fine, but this end bit is cute."

"One more and then you're sleeping."

"Now, farewell, Susie, and Vinnie sends her love, and mother her's, and I add a kiss, shyly, lest there is somebody there. Don't let them see, will you Susie?"

Emily smiled into the kiss she placed on your lips with a crane of her neck, gently pulling the book out of your grasp as she did so.

"So, even though I'm already an Emily, I'm actually the Sue to you're Emily?" She asked you as she let you get comfy in her lap.

"Mhm." You nodded in response. "You are my biggest heart." You added in a tired slurring of words whilst your girlfriend smiled so so fondly, breathing a quiet laugh to herself when you'd fallen asleep before her response.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now