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a/n: this has been a longer hiatus than i intended lmao - i did kinktober fics on tumblr and then was dealing with shit but I AM BACK and fixated on emily again - NEW REBOOT HAS ME ON MY KNEES SHE LOOKS SO FKIN GOOD - and tara omg ugh gosh i am homo (my tumblr is just-a-torn-up-masterpiece if ur interested, i post a lot of marvel content too)

warnings: smut; threesome, one night stand, voyeurism, cuckoldry, dom!emily, sub!reader, fingering, oral, face sitting, choking, mommy kink, marking, possessiveness

June 2014
Your latest case had taken you to Italy, a definite perk of working at interpol was the trips abroad. Sure, it also meant there was a crime being committed but you've got to look at silver linings right?

It was your last night in Venice. The case was closed, the flight was booked for the following morning and the perfect company sat beside you at the hotel bar.

"Does it make me a bad person that I secretly wait for something awful to happen just so we get a mini vacation?"

"If it does then we both are." Emily laughed. "We're stopping the awful things at least, we deserve some beautiful scenery as a reward."

"There's a perfect opportunity for one of us to say something really cheesy." You started before a tap on your arm brought your attention to the bartender. He smiled at you as he placed another glass of red wine beside your close to empty glass, nodding towards a long legged and grinning woman at the end of the bar.

"The lady wanted you to have this." He told you as she winked at you across the room. You smiled at her politely with a sip of the drink, turning to Emily and her smirk, eyebrow raised as she took in your flustered state.

"Told you you looked hot." She spoke. "I saw her staring but I didn't think she'd be that ballsy."

"Are you mad? I could send the drink back or something-"

"No, not at all. Enjoy your free drink, baby, you earned it." She pressed her lips to yours with a look thrown behind you that didn't go unnoticed by your admirer, to Emily's pleasure it didn't seem to deter her. "Listen, I have a proposition for you. You can totally say no but I think you'll like it."

Emily's hands rested on your thighs as she told you her plan, just the thought had your stomach swarming and your eyes flitting behind you. When she hopped down from her stool and pulled her blazer over her shoulders she gave you a wink and a kiss with a warm hand on your cheek.

"I love you, see you in a bit."

"I love you too, Em."

It didn't take long for her seat to be occupied by the Italian woman that had her eyes on you the entire evening, the pleasantries were scarce, too much tension for the exchanging of names. She told you how beautiful she thought you were with her accent thick and suave, her breath was hot against your neck as her lips brushed against your skin and your stomach clenched at the feeling of her nails dragging up your leg.

You lead the way to the room you were sharing with Emily, pushing through the door with her hands on your hips. She was sitting waiting on the chair facing the bed, eyes dark as they watched hands begin to roam your body, they locked with yours and she gave a reassuring nod that let you lean into the body behind you as lips sucked onto your neck.

Foreign lips claimed yours with passion, tasting like aged Italian wine and freshly applied peach lip gloss. Emily watched the scene from her chair with hunger in her gaze, one leg crossed over the other as she leant back in her seat, bare forearms exposed with rolled up sleeves. With a harsh hold on the back of your neck, manicured nails scratching the skin, you grunted into her mouth. A sound Emily revelled in.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now