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smut; d/s undertones, fingering

December 2012

It was a long day at work and being wrapped in Emily's arms with a movie playing on the TV was the perfect way to end the evening.

"You okay, grumpy?" She smiled whilst her nails soothingly scratched at your scalp but you only huffed with a pout at her teasing tone. "Still grumpy hm?"

"I'm not grumpy." You mumbled.

"You seemed grumpy in my office earlier." She started with a small laugh.

It had not been your week. You still have your off days, a fresh start doesn't change the past, and the last few days weren't great and small things just kept going wrong. It started with a shitty night's sleep which then made you fall behind on files which meant you'd had to ask Emily to help which of course she didn't mind.

You got a papercut and then spilled coffee over paperwork that you then had to reprint and Emily stepped in just as she caught you about to murder the inanimate object when it got jammed. Somebody stole your lunch you'd left in the communal fridge so Emily was left biting back a laugh at your frown as she split her food with you.

But today was the last straw and you're so glad to have the weekend off. You knocked your pen pot over as soon as you stepped into the office before having to complete endless boring files. The coffee pot was empty when you got to it for your mid morning fix and you got called into a meeting before a new pot was finished brewing.

The meeting was long and boring, the only plus side was being able to ogle Emily's body in one of her many suits. By the time it was over you were exhausted and that was when you were finally able to get your caffeine fix.

You'd not even taken your first sip before you knocked the mug to the ground, hot contents spilling out and the ceramic shattering at the impact. All eyes snapped in your direction at the sound that was followed by a stream of expletives - definitely too loud for the workplace.

You stroppily stomped your way to Emily's office, leaving the puddle of coffee on the ground, swinging her door open and letting it slam shut behind you. She looked up with a frown at your entrance, about to ask you what was wrong before you began.

"I want to go home." You'd pouted. "I'm sure I'm cursed - everything has been going wrong this week." You huffed, flopping down into the chair opposite her as she smiled at your frustrated purse of your lips and the arms you crossed over your chest in a sulk.

"What's happened now, love?" She couldn't help but be a tiny bit amused at your misfortune this week but she'd helped you through it nonetheless.

"My favourite mug is currently broken into a million fucking pieces and my coffee is on the floor." You grumbled. "I've had no coffee yet - you know I need my coffee. I want to go home and cuddle Sergio and start over next week."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. We only have a couple hours left, how about you stay in here with me hm? We can work together like the super team we are." She smiled with a squeeze to your shoulder as she began to leave.

"Okay." You answered, returning the quick kiss she pressed to your lips.

"I'll be back in a sec."

She made her way to the kitchenette with apologetic smiles thrown around to everyone else. She didn't have to ask you to know that at least a few swear words had been uttered, she knows and adores your filthy mouth. She kind of wished she'd heard it herself.

She picked up the broken pieces and made a mental note to get you a replacement before accepting the offer from one of your coworkers to clean up the mess so she could take a new cup to you. You took the hot beverage appreciatively and the pair of you worked together quietly until it was finally time to go home for the weekend.

"Okay fine, maybe I was grumpy."

"You're lucky it's cute." She teased with a peck to the top of your head. "I have a little idea to get that grumpiness out of you though." She added teasingly, beginning her plan before you had time to question her.

Emily's hand began to stroke down your side, tantalisingly slowly with each stretched second leaving more goosebumps beneath her touch. It was a casual movement but a planned one, its aim to have you lean into her more just as you do. And as he hand creeps lower until her nails nudge at the waistband of your sleep shorts she wants your eyes to flit to the side of her face just as they did.

"Mm mm, keep your eyes on the movie baby." She uttered with a shake of her head and you heated up with obedience, keeping your gaze straight ahead and your head resting on her shoulder. "Gonna make you less grumpy, my little pouty princess." She teased, pushing her hand down into your shorts.

She started off slow with her fingers sliding through your folds, working you up as your focus was wavering on the TV. She stole glances your way as she slipped her fingers through your wetness, avoiding touching you in the way you wanted for now, just smirking at the very slight bucking of your hips and the obvious frustration beginning to etch its way into the narrowing of your eyes.

At the sound of a small whimper of protest from you she decided to give in, to reward you for the tough week you'd had before you directed your grumpiness towards her - she didn't feel like being on the receiving end.

Her middle finger curled into you, slipping effortlessly into your wet pussy and you sighed at the feeling, she made sure to hit your clit with the heel of her hand as she pumped into you, just to feel you grow even wetter for her. She soon added another finger and your eyes squeezed closed at the perfect way her digits fucked you in a perfect practised way.

"Eyes open." She tutted with a rub of her thumb over your aching clit in a way that made your hips buck upwards, attempting to grind onto her palm in search of your release. Emily's svelte fingers expertly curled and rhythmically pumped into you as you barely managed to keep your eyes open and trained on the screen ahead of you and your belly twinged as you grew closer and closer to the edge. 

Your hand grasped at her thigh for any semblance of grounding whilst small whimpers sounded at the back of your throat; a risking glance towards Emily resulted you with a small smirk on an otherwise unbothered face. She kept her eyes forwards, acting as nonchalant as she could whilst she fucked her fingers into you before she turned to look back at you, staring into your eyes as she made you cum onto her digits.

"Think I'm less grumpy." You mumbled against her lips and she laughed before pushing you onto your back.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now