a day at the office

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a/n: hope we're not hating the one shot style chapters - i just wanna give them some domesticity without major plotlines for now - around chapter 20 is when canon plot will kick in

April 2015

You could see Emily from where you sat in your office, spinning side to side on your chair, blatantly neglecting the work sitting on your desk in favour of watching your girlfriend.

Her hair was tucked behind her ears as she prepared two mugs of coffee, you'd watched it fall into her face a few times in amusement, laughing to yourself at how aggravated she was when she had to push it away time and time again.

You watched her movements, second nature to her by now, pottering around the kitchenette to make you both a morning drink before your day at work properly started. When a colleague sidled up beside her to prepare her own drink, you watched them in polite conversation, smiling at the laugh she let out at something said.

She glanced over at you, just to look at you like she always did, and as though you were harbouring a secret crush you looked away. The simple things still make you giddy, a flash of a smile from across a room never fails to make your stomach swirl and a wink just makes your cheeks practically set on fire. It was as if your mind thought that if she caught you staring you'd never catch a glimpse again, plus you didn't want her to gloat. She loves to tease you when she catches you looking at her 'dreamily' as she labels it.

You didn't realise her fond eyes lingered, watching you pretend to be occupied by your phone, a soft smile pulling at her lips at the beautiful sight of you. A warm feeling in her heart bloomed just at the mere view of her love. And when you looked up, she looked away. She didn't want you to gloat either.


"Hey, love." Emily spoke when she walked into your office later in the morning, she'd seen you on your tiptoes trying to reach the top shelf for a folder. She'd secretly watched you admiringly for a few moments in the doorway, seeing how hard you tried to stretch your arms up to reach, with your shirt riding up your waist in your efforts.

"Oh, hi Em." You smiled, voice strained slightly as you jumped slightly in hopes it'd help your task.

"Need a hand?" She smirked as she approached, you wanted to tell her no but you really do need this folder. You smelled her floral perfume, jasmine and amber, as her front pressed against your back and her arm easily reached out to grab it, brushing against yours as it did so. "I love it when you need my help." She whispered against your ear.


She only giggled at your pout with a quick peck to your forehead before she turned on her heel and wandered out of your office with a wave.


You were on lunch duty for the pair of you today, reheating some pasta in the microwave as you perched on the countertop with swinging legs. This time, you could see Emily. Her brows were furrowed in concentration as she looked over the papers in front of her, the end of a pen tapping against her bottom lip.

You huffed a quiet laugh to yourself when it inevitably made its way between her teeth, that annoying habit she'd held on to for so many years.

"Not to shit talk the boss - and also your girlfriend - but I can never let her borrow another pen." A voice muttered from beside you, a coworker leaned beside you with her eyes following yours through Emily's office door.

"Smart move." You laughed.

"It's becoming an office rule to not give her pens - or to not expect them back at least."

"Trust me, I know the pain." You returned with a grin. "At the BAU she would borrow a pen and not realise how much she'd snacked on it until she had to give it back. So she'd just put it in her bag." You both laughed heartily at the memory, the way you'd replace her pens and try to protect other's pens at all costs.

Once they land in Emily's hands, they're too far gone.

"She's like the grim reaper for pens but I love her for it." You spoke. "Don't get me wrong, it used to annoy me so much but that was when I kinda hated her. You get used to it though."

"Wait- you hated her?"

"Yeah. Well, no. Not quite."

"As if you could ever hate me." Emily interjected. You'd not noticed her making her way over to you, eyeing you fondly until she just decided to join you instead of waiting any longer.

"I'm sure I could think of ways." You mumbled in a fake annoyance, smiling at the way she jokingly nudged your arm.

"Oh, here." She added, holding the pen out to your colleague. The end was chewed and you saw her blush slightly at the realisation, hiding your smile behind your hand.

"Oh, no, that's okay. Keep it." She answered, looking to you as she held back a small laugh before walking back to her desk with her food in hand.

"Babe, you need to remember to keep pens in your office."

a/n : idk what this is, i just wanted to write fluff

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