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from season 11 ep 19
canon dialogue heavy but i did cut bits out because i cannot be writing ALL of it - some dialogue doesn't specify who says it to save us all from having to read '...said' with all the synonyms i can think of lmao

this has been in drafts for aaaaaaaaages - see u soon 

March 2016

You were already awake when Emily had woken from her nightmare, the same thing plaguing her mind as yours, though where hers resulted in infected dreams yours just made you lose sleep entirely. Mind replaying it over and over with the both of you itching with guilt. You'd comforted her, of course, she found comfort in your hold with your hand stroking through her hair and her head pressed against your chest.

The next morning, over a cup of coffee at her desk, you both saw her screen light up as soon as she logged onto her computer.

'Copycat M.O.'

'Son of Sam in New York'

It was unspoken, just a look at one another before you grabbed your go bags and made your way to the jet.

"That's not a lot to go on," Hotch spoke from the other end of the video call.

"I know, but it's him - we know it's him." Emily returned. "And now he's stateside."

"People get shot in New York every day. What makes you so sure?"

"Geography, M.O., victimology, he copycats the classics-" You started. "Chikatilo in Russia, Jack the Ripper in London, last month it was the Boston Strangler."

"It was a single homicide so we thought maybe it was just us trying to see something that wasn't there. But now he's in New York copying the Son of Sam - it's him."

"Berkowitz shot two people in that first murder - you've only got one victim here."

"Yes, but it happened in the same neighbourhood in the Bronx and ballistics confirmed it was a .44 calibre Bulldog just like Berkowitz used."

"We haven't been invited by Boston or the NYPD and you know the protocol gets tricky."

"Technically it's serial - FBI has jurisdiction," You persuaded.

"Well, if you count the international kills, yes. But we're gonna have to get permission from the DOJ."

"Good people died trying to catch this guy, Hotch," Emily spoke sadly, holding onto your hand beneath the table. "We need your help."

"Okay, we're somewhere over Texas right now. How soon can you meet us in New York?"

"We're already on our way."


The pair of you were pinning photos and evidence on the board when a knock sounded behind you.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for an Agent Prentiss and an Agent Y/L/N?"

"You found us." You smiled at her, shaking her outstretched hand.

"Hi, Dr Tara Lewis. Really happy to finally meet you, I've heard great things."

"Every bit of it's true," Emily answered with a laugh. "We've been looking forward to meeting you too."

"I see you've got a fresh start."

"Two years worth."

"I heard you almost got him in London. I'm really sorry about what happened."

"Yeah, me too."

"Were you close to the Scotland Yard inspector that got killed?"

"No." You both answered at the same time, looking to one another with wide eyes and thick swallows at the memory but Emily gestured for you to continue.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now