first day

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June 2012

"Wake up." Emily whispered against your head, your head lay on her chest, arms looped around each other's waists.

"Five more minutes." You grumbled against her.

"Nuh uh, I gave you ten before waking you up. We can't be late today."

"God, don't remind me."

"You're not excited?"

"I'm so nervous, Em. It's making me feel sick just thinking about it." You returned, burying your face in the crook of her neck.

"Love, there is nothing to be worried about. We're in charge, we're the bosses - isn't that cool?" She smiled, stroking the bare skin of your arm whilst she held you. "It's gonna be great, the next step of our fresh start. And we're gonna be such a power couple, just imagine us in charge of everyone - heads of Interpol."

"You do look good in a suit." You muttered. "And seeing you in charge isn't too bad either."

"You're gonna be great." She answered, moving your head to press a kiss to your lips. "Our offices are right next door to each other so you can just come and admire how hot I look if it'd ease your nerves." She grinned, making you laugh.

"I might take you up on that."

"I expect you to. Now, let's get up and dressed - no coffee for you this morning." She added, shaking her head at your pout. "It's bad for your nerves, you're already on edge, the last thing we need is you having a heart attack as soon as we get into the office."

"That's a little dramatic but I see your point. I guess I'll have some of that chamomile tea you're always drinking."

"Already done." She grinned, getting out of bed and you noticed she looked a bit different to usual, narrowing your eyes at her. "I'm already pretty much ready." She spoke. "I'm excited - I woke up early and all I have to do is get dressed but you looked so cute so I got back in bed for extra cuddles." She rushed out smilingly, she'd been excited about your first day of work for the past few weeks and it was rather adorable.

"You're so cute."

"I know." She shrugged. "Hurry up, we need to leave in fifteen."

You sipped your tea as Emily drove, tapping your foot to the music from the radio and linking your fingers with hers when she pulled your hand to rest beneath hers on the gearstick. Her thumb stroked over your knuckles soothingly, soft and warm against your skin.

"Right, we're gonna be great - you're gonna be great." She smiled as she pulled into the parking spot, turning to you with a grin. "One last kiss before we have to be professional?"


Her hand cupped your cheek to pull you into her and her lips were heaven against yours, just what you needed to help fight back your nerves. She was there with you, every step of the way.

It was hard to pull away so the kiss lasted longer than it probably should have, her grip on your waist was firm as she pulled you as close as possible and she sighed into your mouth when yours mindlessly trailed up her waist beneath her shirt. Your lips only separated for some much needed oxygen, smiling to one another before your eyes widened at the time displayed on the clock.

You made it in side by side just on time, fixing one another's clothes on the elevator ride up with your bags in hand and coats slung over your arms. A soft smile shared before you both took on professional facades as you met your new team, introducing yourselves and shaking hands.

"Alright, last up on the grand tour are your offices. There are blinds but I think office, um, fornicating is frowned upon so-"

"Okay, thank you Natasha." Emily interrupted as you stifled a giggle. "We'll keep that in mind."

"No worries. I'm glad we've not got a male boss again - the fact that it's two women just makes it better. I can already tell I'm gonna like you."

"Well, I'm sure we'll like you too." You smiled. "And if we don't we can just fire you,"

"Ha ha. Guess I'll be on my best behaviour then, boss. And boss two of course." She added teasingly. "I'll leave you to it."

"Come on, boss two, let's check out our offices." You laughed, receiving a playful jab to your arm and a roll of her eyes as you let yourselves into your respective offices.

Yours was spacious with a view of London from the floor length windows behind your desk and of course you immediately swirled yourself around on your desk chair, wheels rolling over the floor. The computer on the side of your desk was all ready for you and you frowned at the amount of emails you already had to go through but smiled when one popped up from Emily.

'My office is cooler than yours :)'

'Can't be that cool if I'm not in there :P'

The day passed quicker than you expected and you had a lot less time with Emily than you thought considering there were no cases and you had to stay in your offices going through paperwork. The only time you'd been able to interact was during a lunch break where she scolded you for drinking coffee and stole half of your sandwich.

You were finishing up one of your last tasks for the day when an easily recognisable knock sounded at your door before a certain brunette's head poked from behind it.

"God, you look good behind a desk." She muttered, shutting the door behind herself. She set her bag and coat on the ground, somehow still looking perfect after a full day of work with her shirt sleeves rolled up and her trousers resting on your favourite chunky black boots.

"Hi, bug." You grinned with your cheeks heating up under her stare. "I'm just finishing up."

"Well hurry, I've missed you." She pouted, an adorable sight when you glanced up from your screen.

"Are you sure? Or is it because you're hungry?" You asked her knowingly, smiling at the dramatic gasp she let out when she perched on the edge of your desk.

"I would never lie." She returned, sheepishly smirking at the look you gave her. "Okay, fine." She groaned. "I am hungry - but I have missed you too. I missed you so much it made me hungry."

"Wanna pick up pizza on the way home?" You laughed, clicking off your computer.

"Yes." She nodded excitedly, helping you pull your coat on with a kiss to your cheek. "How did you find today?"

"Pretty good I think. I think it'll be more interesting when there's a case though, my back hurts from this chair." You answered her, taking the hand she offered to you as you made your way to the elevator. "How about you?"

"Well, other than missing you I enjoyed it. And even though it sounds bad, I really want something bad to happen so we get an interesting case." She ended in a whisper.

"So do I." You whispered back, the pair of you shared a laugh as you walked to the car.

"As for that back pain, I can give you a massage when we get home."

"You are pretty good with your hands." You smirked, climbing into the car beside her to make your way home after your first day of work. It was the fresh start you'd both yearned for and things were finally looking up.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now