ice, ice, baby

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A/N - Inspo from the horrible fking heatwaves we've had recently in the uk :')
Warnings - smut; fingering, oral, brief mommy kink, d/s undertones, sensation play, also slight sensory deprivation ig

August 2012

The August heat was terrible, the things you'd heard about England being cold and permanently rainy were proving false with the humidity and sticky sweat coating your skin. You had an electric fan standing in the middle of the room, oscillating almost uselessly with cool air, the windows were open to let in the pretty much non-existent breeze through the small crack in the otherwise closed curtains.

The sliver of light was enough to illuminate the entire room from the bright sun, keeping out as much of its heat as you could with the curtains. The two of you had given up on clothes, lounging around the apartment in bras and underwear.

"Emily, I might melt." You pouted.

"I think I'd still love you if you were a puddle - it'd certainly be a little quieter around here." She teased as she placed glasses of iced water on the coffee table in front of you before flopping down beside you. She handed you your fifth ice lolly of the day, pretty much what you'd both been surviving on this entire heat wave, which you took with a grateful smile.

"I'd make sure to make you slip and fall." You muttered with a huff, pushing the fruit flavoured stick past your lips with its refreshing coldness as she laughed giving you a playful shove.

"I would fall for you everyday if that's what you desired." She smirked.

"God, Em." You groaned. "That was awful."

You both laughed together before directing your attention to the TV, neither of you could properly focus on whatever was playing on the screen, too preoccupied by the way your skin was burning hot. Just waiting for the brief moment when the air from the fan passed over your skin in a breezy respite.

You couldn't even cuddle on your day off, having to settle with brief touches and your arms brushing together side by side. Your eyes widened slightly with a double take at the way she sucked her ice lolly into her mouth, lips wrapped around it reddened from the cold. And the way she licked her lips when she pulled it away had you feeling hot in a different way.

She looked over at you with that cocky smirk she likes to sport when you groaned at the sight of her.

"What's wrong, babe?" She teased knowingly.

"Are you eating it like that on purpose?"

"Eating it like what?" She asked 'innocently', finishing it off with a slow movement of her tongue across the wooden stick.

"Like all sensually and-"

"Oh, well if I'd have known it'd turn you on I would've eaten it like a prude."

You cracked a smile at her teasing and her nose nudged against yours when she leant towards you. You couldn't pass up an opportunity to kiss her no matter how warm you were so you pushed your lips to hers.

Her lips were cold against the brush of your tongue and your mouths tasted like watermelon, kissing each other with the familiarity you found comfort in.

The back of her neck was warm beneath your hand and her chest was warm against yours when she pulled you into her lap. Her tongue licked into your mouth with all power over you whilst her hands gripped onto your waist, a fusion of hot and sticky bodies pressed into each other. You couldn't help the way your hips rocked on their own accord for any type of friction they could find, just sloppily bumping across her thigh and into her pelvis as her hot breath tickled your neck.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now