welcome home

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canon dialogue from s12 eps 3 and 6

Being back in Virginia wasn't necessarily what you'd both planned for but with Hotch away, you'd been called in to help out with a few cases; you barely had to consider the proposal. You were both happy to go back and support your old team and seeing your friends in person on the rare occasion you had the opportunity was a definite bonus.

It was refreshing to be able to be back in the place you once called home. Without the old torments it held those years ago it almost felt like home again. The streets were familiar and you even recognised a few faces in the cafe you used to frequent. After being under the impression that this place could house no escape from the things that happened, it was relieving to know that time had changed a few things. What once was the city you ached to run away from, now welcomed you with open arms.

"Feels good to be back, huh?" Emily asked you as she approached where you sat with your empty mugs of coffee on the table in front of you. She held a box of doughnuts and looked at you with that smile you adore so much.

"It does." You could finally regard this place with earnest positivity. "I miss Sergio already, though."

"So do I but we were promised daily updates," she nodded. "And, look, I just got sent this photo of the little guy," she added, pulling her phone from her pocket to show you.

"Aging like a fine wine," you murmured, looking at the sporadic grey hairs beginning to appear on his sleeping face.

"Reminds you of me, right?" Emily questioned, earning a laugh and a nod from yourself.

"Of course."

"Let's get going, then," she spoke with a quick peck to your lips before she led you out to the car.

Though you'd been back to the BAU a couple of times since your departure, this time felt peaceful. It felt different - the same comfort it had once held.

You saw JJ and Spencer as soon as you walked in, instantly lighting up at the sight of the blonde.

"Some things never change," Emily announced with a grin, the four of you only smiled more when you greeted one another.

"Hey, you," JJ smiled, instantly pulling you into a hug that you happily returned, falling into the familiar arms you'd missed.


"Welcome back," Spencer smiled as he hugged Emily. "Doughnuts? Wait, did you happen to get-"

"Chocolate frosted with sprinkles? Yes, how could I forget your favourite?" Emily interjected. You both laughed at the way he eagerly took one from the box in her grasp, eating it right away.

"It is so great to see you," JJ smiled, making you laugh at the way you stumbled when she pulled you into another unexpected hug. You'd missed the closeness of your best friend and Emily warmed at the sight. "Even if it's only temporary."

"Well when Hotch told us the director tapped him for a special assignment, we wanted to help out," Emily spoke as she turned to place her bag down onto the desk behind her.

"That's actually Luke Alvez's desk."

"Really? It looks empty," you returned, keeping your observations minimal, unlike Emily.

"Garcia said he was ex-army. Came over from the Fugitive Task Force?"

"Yeah, you're gonna like him," JJ answered with a nod.

"Y'know, the lack of personal effects on his desk could stem from his days as a fugitive hunter," she began. "He probably felt like he was never in one place long enough to dig in - I mean, no family photos, no significant others. Not even a plant to overwater."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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