
957 26 0

warnings: smut, strap use, d/s undertones

July 2013

Emily was bored. She slumped in her office chair, spinning herself from side to side with kicks of her feet against the floor and a sigh as she fidgeted with the pen in her hands.

It was a slow day, she'd finished all the work she had and was bored out of her mind. She stared up at the ceiling until she'd decided on her plan, smiling to herself as she made her way to your office door.

"Come in." You muttered at the sound of the knock and you instantly lit up at the sight of Emily standing before you with a smirk pulling at her lips - you had been just as bored. "What're you up to?" You asked her suspiciously as she clicked the door lock closed, approaching your desk with a sway of her hips.

"Is visiting my girlfriend's office not allowed?" She returned, coming to stand behind your chair with her arms looped around your shoulders and her face hovering beside yours.

"No, it's definitely allowed." You answered, leaning your head to the side to expose your neck further when she planted a kiss beneath your ear, sighing at the feeling of her lips on your skin and the suck at your flesh.

Her hand crept its way to your chest, popping open a couple of buttons to push her hand further, palming your breast through your bra, pinching your nipple through the material.

"Em, we shouldn't do this right now." You uttered but you couldn't hold back the sigh at the bite of her teeth into your flesh.

"Aw c'mon, I was so bored." She pouted and she grinned into the kiss you pulled her into, swirling her tongue with yours in fervour. "Take these off and sit on the desk." She spoke, pulling at the waistband of your trousers and of course you did as she said, ridding yourself of them under her dark gaze before perching on your desk before her.

You snaked your arms around her when she stood in front of you, pulling her into a kiss; her nails scraped over the skin of your thighs, digging into the pillowy flesh possessively. You gasped slightly at the feeling of her against your leg, pulling away with a raised eyebrow.

"Emily Prentiss, did you come in here knowing you'd seduce me?" You laughed and she only nodded cockily as she unbuckled her belt, revealing her favourite strap beneath her trousers. "How- why are you wearing that here?"

"You never know when an emergency is gonna strike." She smirked, making you laugh. "And this is the biggest emergency of them all."

She pushed your damp underwear to the side, eyeing how wet you already were before easing her cock into you, bottoming out whilst muffling your moan with her mouth on yours.

"You're gonna have to be a little quieter than that, baby." She chuckled, beginning a steady pace of thrusts into your pussy, the desk moving slightly with each snap of her hips. You kissed over her neck, sucking marks into the skin that she'd have to try and hide later in the bathroom.

Each push of her into you felt perfect, you held onto her as tightly as you could and she revelled in the sound of your choked moans beside her ear as your teeth dug into the flesh of her neck.

"Fuck, Em." You uttered through heavy breaths with a grunt of pleasure when her thumb rubbed over your clit, sending heavenly waves through your body.

"Cum for me, baby." She breathed, thrusting her cock into you whilst her thumb rubbed over your swollen clit until you shakily moaned into her mouth. She rode you through your orgasm before pulling her soaked strap out of you, rubbing her fingers over the length to lick your cum from them. "We'll continue this later but for now, can I treat you to lunch?"

You laughed at the nonchalant way she asked as though she hadn't just fucked you in your desk, handing you your trousers to change back into.

"Lunch is on me and I'm repaying the favour when we get home." You winked before following her out of the office.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now