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this is the first chapter i've written after deciding to actually pick this sequel back up !! - I know it's been a while - life happened, i wrote other things on my tumblr, i lost inspiration with this story - but, after a long time I'm actually back and have planned every single bloody chapter. i forgot how much i enjoy writing their dynamic and that, as well as the fact that i have received a lotta love for the first installment,  has inspired me to carry this on. 
i hope me being awol won't deter you all from sticking with me on this little journey :)
again, there's not going to necessarily be tonnes of plot, i just want them to have a nice little life...with a little bit of drama sprinkled in teehee (also smut because we're all a bit slutty)
if you wanna see any other thing I've been writing my tumblr is just-a-torn-up-masterpiece and my ao3 is pretty much the same user - i write criminal minds and marvel fics primarily but have a few other fandoms there too !!

anyway, welcome back !! here's a short and sweet soft and smutty moment <3

warnings: smut; shower sex, oral, fingering 

You could see the exhaustion in the tense way Emily's shoulders couldn't seem to completely relax. You'd seen it all weighing on her for the past few weeks, she often did let herself take the brunt of it all; an annoying trait you try your hardest to deter her from, hoping she'd realise that she is not to blame for all the bad things that happen.

Seeing her smile at the sight of Sergio back in your London apartment was a relieving respite - you'd made sure to arrange his return to let her immediately hold him in her arms as soon as possible.

It was enough to help her relax at least a little.

"C'mon, let's go for a shower, hm?" you whispered to her tiredly, wanting to relax into the exhaustion before a sound night's sleep beside one another. It was peaceful to know that the haunting thoughts you had just days ago wouldn't be there tomorrow.

"That sounds perfect," she mumbled, leaning into the hands you placed on her shoulders, rubbing away the stress.

It was the perfect comfortable quiet as you undressed with the steam of the shower gathering on the bathroom mirror, a soft intimacy of climbing in beside each other. No words were necessary, it was all routine.

You paid special attention to her body, appreciating the sight you adore while a gentle touch lathered soapy suds across her skin. Her cheek buried itself in your palm when you cupped her face, swiping your thumb over the apple of her cheek adoringly, brushing some of her hair out of the way to let the water cascade over the raven locks.

The familiar scent of her favourite raspberry shampoo filled your nose when you pushed it through her hair, smiling at the sigh of appreciation she let out when your nails scratched over her scalp. It was the soft intimacy she savoured - she craved it in times like these and she loves how well you know her to recognise that this was exactly what her brain had prescribed.

Her gentle hands found your waist whilst you tenderly pampered her every need. Washing her clean of the weeks prior. She could feel it all slipping away with each grace of your fingers to her skin.

Her body littered itself with goosebumps at the soft kiss you pressed to her lips, trailing your kisses in soft amatory pathways across the line of her jaw, her collarbones, and the skin of her chest just above her heart that beat with affection.

She reveled in the attention you gave each centimetre of her flesh, trailing your lips downwards. Kisses paved their way along her torso and her hips, venturing southwards to her thighs, with your hands holding them tightly, pulling them apart to reveal the sweetness you wanted to taste.

Her hand tangled its way into your damp hair, keeping a semblance of control over you whilst teasing lips kissed her thighs, avoiding where she wanted you most.

"Relax, my love," you murmured against her, punctuating your sentence with a chaste kiss to her clit. "I want to make you feel good."

She held back the snarky response in favour of smiling down at you appreciatively with darkened eyes filled to the brim with a love she never imagined herself directing towards anybody.

"You're so good to me, baby," she breathed, leaning her head back onto the tiled walls when you licked a stripe through her folds.

It was an act in an aim to bring her pleasure, not to take much time with teasing and flirty remarks. All you wanted was to make her feel good enough to let it all melt away. You didn't waste a moment diving in, sucking her clit into your mouth in a way you know gets her pulse quickening and you were assured of the effect you were having by the tightening of her grip on your hair.

The flavour of her cunt was sweet on your tongue and you lapped up her wetness gladly, nestling your tongue within her aching sex, letting her chase her release with subtle pushes of herself onto your face.

Emily moaned out above you with the tongue you flicked over her sensitive bud, wrapping her leg around you to pull you ever closer. Her free hand palmed at her breasts, pulling a hardened nipple between her thumb and finger.

"Give me a little more, princess," she uttered through her stuttering breaths.

You did as she pleased, pushing your fingers into her cunt, curling them inside of her to reach the spot you know drives her wild, accompanying the lips that latched around her clit.

Her mind was focused on you and she could feel the burdens she'd been forcing herself to harbour, fade away. With the pleasure coursing through her veins, it was impossible to let it keep its claws dug into her.

Peering up at her through your lashes it was a sublime sight, her head thrown back and her eyes squeezed closed. You watched her mouth fall open and listened appreciatively to the moan of your name she let out when she came onto your digits, flooding your tastebuds with her arousal and the satisfaction that your love was pleased.

You licked her clean before, again, leaving kisses traveling up her body. She tasted herself on your lips when she pulled your face to hers, ghosting her teeth against your bottom lip when she finally pulled away for air.

"Let's get to bed," you spoke against her, posing the question to which she nodded in appreciation.

"I'd like extra cuddles, please," she returned, cutting off the shower's flow of water before guiding you out of the shower behind her, immediately wrapping a towel around your body.

"That can definitely be arranged."

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now