joyeux anniversaire

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warnings: smut; exhibitionism, sex in a public place, fingering, dom/sub, degradation, praise, mommy kink, oral (emily!receiving), finger sucking ? (assume that everything smutty i ever write is pre consented, all parties are comfortable with anything that happens even if it isn't explicitly said - it is agreed between these 2 characters) 

November 2015

"Always so chivalrous." You spoke with a smile as Emily opened the car door for you to step out, holding onto the hand she held out to you with all the comfort in the world.

"Gotta keep charming my woman."

"Oh, no." You grimaced with a shake of your head which made her laugh.

"My love? My darling? My sweetheart?"

"Those are all better, now please can we go in? I'm freezing."

She nodded with a large grin, entwining her fingers with yours as you both walked into the restaurant, a table under her name within a booth with leather seats.

"M'lady." She muttered with a mock of a bow as you took your seat and she slid in right next to you, making sure her thigh was pressed against yours.

She ordered for you, a bottle of red wine to share and a meal she knows you'll like; a way for her to exert a dominance outside of just sex, the slight power dynamic you both enjoy.

Her arm rested behind you on the back of the plush seats with her fingers lazily brushing over your shoulder. Her nose nudged at your cheek when she pushed her head into the crook of your neck.

"Happy anniversary, my love." She breathed with a kiss pressed to your jaw, a warmth lingering behind when her lips moved away, an electricity you're sure you'll never grow immune to.

"Five years and counting." You couldn't help but smile widely, cupping her cheek to kiss her red wine stained lips, licking them free of the earthy flavour before neatening up her lipstick with a wipe of the pad of your thumb to the corner of her mouth.

And so the evening was just as perfect as any other, somehow never running out of things to talk about, be it about your day at the office, the case you're working, the books you're reading. Perhaps on articles you'd read, scientific research you'd pondered over, dreams you'd woken up from and dreams you wish to live. There was nothing you wouldn't talk about, be it happy or sad. Bad days were shared, often known by the other based on microexpressions and a complex knowledge of one another; she knew to comfort you without a word and you her.

Five entire years and boredom hadn't even crossed either of your minds.

So when Emily's hand landed on your bare thigh it was another act to keep staleness at bay, a spice to add to the evening once your plates were cleared and taken away and your wine glasses were replaced with lemonade to keep clear heads for the drive home and the rest of the night.

She picked out a dress for you to wear, a brand new one she'd shopped for with you in mind and of course she had less than innocent intentions.

She scratched her nails upwards on your inner thigh making you gasp at the contact when she suddenly cupped your clothed cunt in her palm.

"Emily." You whispered with your eyes jumping around the room for any eyes facing your way.

"You didn't think I'd let you dress like a little whore and be able to keep my hands to myself all night, did you?"

"What if someone sees?" You couldn't deny how much you wanted it though, not when her lips kissed your neck and she pushed your underwear aside with a teasing fingertip stroked through your slit.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now