gordon ramsay

880 27 1

February 2013

You leant against the doorframe to the kitchen once you'd finished in the shower, a smile on your face at the sight of Emily mindlessly humming along to the music trickling from the speakers with a sway of her hips as she cooked.

She leant her head back onto your shoulder when you sidled up behind her with a soft hold on either side of her waist, puckering her lips for a kiss. You granted her wish of course, pressing your lips to hers gently with a crane of your neck.

"I'll never stop making fun of how short you are." She mumbled with a smirk as she saw how you lifted up on tiptoes to kiss her. You huffed with a roll of your eyes before hopping up onto the kitchen counter beside her.


She grinned at your pout before kissing it away.

"It's cute, my little princess." She teased with a pinch of your cheek. "Here, try this." She deflected, bringing a wooden spoon of sauce to your mouth and of course it was delicious, she was always the chef of the two of you with you often opting for takeout if it was your turn to cook. Safe to say Emily took over the cooking duties, saying you can 'just look pretty and pour some wine'.

"That's really fucking good, Em. My own personal Gordon Ramsay."

"God, I thought that nickname was in the past." She groaned as you giggled.

"Gotta keep you on your toes - switch things up a little."

She only huffed at your words jokingly, stirring the pan of pasta sauce and taking a sip of her wine.

You hopped down from your perched seat to tug her round by her arm and she watched curiously when you held onto her and entwined your fingers with hers.

"What're you doing?"

"Asking you to dance."

"You hate dancing. You only dance when I ask you."

"As I said, I've gotta keep you on your toes. So, can I have this dance?" You asked as Emily's arms looped over your shoulders and you both grinningly danced to the music. Just a mindless and carefree moment just for the two of you, she twirled you around and pecked your forehead, dipping you down dramatically and only just catching you as you stumbled with a laugh.

This was perfect. This is home.

The Rest Of Time (Emily Prentiss x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now