~How it all started~

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Song to set the mood: Mom by Meghan Trainor

It all started when Steve and his girlfriend since the beginning of his senior year, Tori, decided to pull over and smoke a cigarette.

"Steve, I don't think this thing going on between us is working out," Tori began a couple of seconds later. "What do you mean?" Steve asked, clueless.

"Steve, I'm breaking up with you," Tori muttered. Steve blew smoke out his mouth and said, "Like, seriously?" Tori nodded, staring down at her shiny pink high heels.

Steve stared at his now ex-girlfriend. He admired her unique way of doing things, the way she teased her hair up and the way she talked, with a southern accent. Her tan sweater tucked into a long, flowy pink skirt.

Tori looked up, grimacing, and said, "Bye, Steve." Steve shook his head and said, "No, you may be my ex, but I'm not letting you walk home!" "I'll be fine. It was nice getting to know you, Steve Harrington," Tori said, then handed Steve her cigarette and walked away.

You deserve better than her, Steve, a voice in his head said. Still, Steve couldn't shake off the heartbroken feeling. His girlfriend had just ditched him!

Suddenly, he spotted a group of kids walking along the side of the road. There was a tall, skinny boy with a head of thick black curls and a face covered with freckles, with an arm around a girl's waist. She was short, with wavy brown hair. A redheaded girl with smeared eye black linked arms with a tallish boy with dark skin and hair, wearing a red bandana. There was a average height boy with a hideous brown bowl cut, and Steve couldn't help but think about giving the guy a makeover that included his precious Farrah Fawcett spray. And the last boy had dark brown curls and wore a blue and red hat, with a toothless smile.

"Hey, kids! What are you doing out here?" Steve yelled, stomping out both his and Tori's cigarettes. "Finding a place to stay," said the toothless-smile-boy. Steve thought for a moment and yelled out, "What if you stay at my house? My parents are in Italy, anyways." Steve watched as the same boy shot him a thimbs-up.

The tall boy, and the girls sat in the backseat of Steve's car, toothless-smile-boy sat in the passenger seat and the other two sat in the trunk. Steve pulled out in front of his house and led them inside. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked, causing each and every one of them to tell a horrible, extremely depressing backstory.

So this is chapter 1 of "Mama Steve," and the next few chapters will be their backstories. Thanks for reading!

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now