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Steve stood in the chair, staring blankly into the eyes of some random police officer.

"Why did you do it?" The officer asks, twirling his finger on the bottle cap of his water bottle.

"You're acting like it's murder or something. Jeremiah must've escaped or something," Steve replied, annoyed.

"You know it's not just about him, Steven. This also concerns the kids. It's technically kidnapping," the officer said.

"Since when?! I'm just giving them shelter," Steve said, "You wouldn't want six more deaths on your hands, would you?"

The officer went quiet. "Look, Harrington, I know you think you're so cool or some sh!t, but your stupid high school heartthrob reputation doesn't go with me," he finally said.

Steve tried to protest, but the officer put a hand up to stop his words.

"Look, Harrington, all we want to know is the names of their parents, since the children won't willingly tell us," the officer pleaded.

"Well...I'm their parent," Steve said, "It may not be official yet, but I am."

"Sir, are you on drugs? The Harrington I knew would never talk like that," the officer said.

"Well I'm not the Harrington you thought you knew, officer," Steve replied.

The officer sighed, just as the door opened. A female officer with bright red hair said, "Officer Langley, sir. We've got a report of Mr. Bowie's whereabouts."

Officer Langley's eyes widened. "Miss Marsha, can I trust you with Harrington?" He asked.

"Of course," she replied.

He gave a quick mutter of thanks and Miss Marsha sat down in Officer Langley's chair.

"So, Harrington," Miss Marsha said, "I really should just send you to the court, but today.... I'll give you justice."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked before he could stop himself.

"You broke my daughter's heart," Miss Marsha said tearfully.

Steve's breathing slowed. No, it couldn't be Tori's mother. Tori's mother had blond hair, not bright red.

"Ha! You totally fell for it!" Max said, ripping off the suit to reveal her normal clothes.

"Maxine Mayfield," he said sternly, "You realize you just gave a police officer a false tip?"

"Since when were you cop smart?" Max asked, with a roll of her eyes.

"Max," he said warningly.

"Okay, okay. Lucas and Dustin got the officers questioning us to set us free. I saw this woman up front named Miss Marsha, so I decided to impersonate her to get you freed," Max explained in a rush.

"Well, put the suit back on and let's go," he said.

She nodded and a couple of seconds later, Steve walked out to the party hugging him tightly, except for Max and Mike.

"We're going to get in so much trouble," Steve mutters.

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now