~Monopoly Mistake~

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As soon as everyone got home, Steve changed into his new Lifeguard sweatshirt and sweatpants while the kids played Monopoly.

Unfortunately for Steve, Monopoly  and the party did not go well together.

They were peacefully playing the game until Dustin landed on El's most expensive railroad that would burn through half of his money.

"Nuh-uh! No way! I am not giving her half of my precious money!" Dustin exclaimed. "You have to, that's how the game works," Max said.

Dustin just shook his head furiously. Steve, who had a bowl of popcorn balanced on his lap, was watching TV in his bedroom when he heard screams from the living room. With a deep sigh, he removed the bowl of popcorn from his lap and trudged downstairs.

He took in the sight of Dustin and Max in a screaming match and the other members of the party just watching them, El smirking.


Everyone turned to look at him, surprised. "Carry on," he said in a lower voice, before turning to go upstairs again.

That wasn't the worst of it, though. There was fifteen more minutes of peace until Lucas and Mike got into a fight.

"Mike, you owe me 250," Lucas said, grinning. Mike looked down at the 425 in his hands. "I'm not paying you," he decided, throwing his hands up in defense.

"Um, yes you are," Lucas argued, growing angry. El, who was trying to play referee, said, "Mike, just pay the 250. I'm about to land on one of your railroads anyways."

Mike looked at her and said, "I'm not paying him. Okay?" El sighed and said, "If you don't pay him, you can't play the game anymore."

"I know a better way to settle this," Lucas interrupted, cracking his knuckles. 

Mike nodded and they went to the dining room table for an arm wrestle. In the end, Lucas won, but Mike insisted they do multiple rounds to make it more fair.

"NO, MICHEAL! I WON! YOU LOST! GAME OVER! I WON, NOW GIMME THE MONEYYYY!" Lucas yelled, not having it, which of course, got Steve's attention.

Steve sighed and went back downstairs. This time it was Lucas and Mike yelling, until Lucas pulled Mike into a headlock.

"HEY! NO FIGHTING!" Steve yelled, making Lucas stumble back in pure fear, letting Mike's head go. Mike ran a hand through his curls and glared daggers and Lucas. Lucas fixed his bandana with a "hmph" and also glared daggers at him.

Steve left the room again, wishing that the peace would last until the very end of the game. Unfortunately, that's not how it happened.

Soon enough, El had to pay Will a ton of money, so that she would only have a couple dollars left. Will immediately smirked and crossed his arms across his chest before he said, "Pay up, El. I don't have forever."

El shook her head, furiously. Max groaned and dropped her head in her hands before she shouted out, "Steve! Somebody's about to get strangled!"

Unfortunately, she was right, but it wasn't Will or El. It was Mike. Lucas lunged forward and strangled Mike, pinning him to the ground. Mike immediately reacted, slapping him across the face, until Steve ripped them apart.

Meanwhile, El and Max put an end to it all and helped each other flip the board over.

And that was when Steve decided to hide the Monopoly board game in the attic.

Thanks for all the votes and support this book has been getting, I know its definitely not the best, but I appreciate everyone who's been reading this book, commenting, and even voting and adding Mama Steve to their reading lists. I fully appreciate it and hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was short and kind of sucked. Sorry.
Word Count: 662

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