~Nancy Wheeler Part 2~

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Steve had some explaining to do, and the party wasn't patient. So he sat them down and launched into the story of how they met.

"Nance was writing a report on the best ice cream shops in town, and she decided to try Scoops Ahoy first. Robin had to help her dad fix his car engine, so I was on shift. She walked inside theuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhv shop and it was annoying getting all the flavor samples, but it was worth it, she was so pretty. And kind, not to mention. She gave me her home number at the end of it, and we slowly became.....closer, I guess you could say," Steve explained.

"You mean close enough to date?" Mike deadpanned.

"Exactly," Nancy said with a smirk.

Steve blushed and said, "I gave her a house key because we were eventually going to tell you guys, in a pretty frightening way just to see your reactions. For the sake of humor, you know? And Nancy had to pick the right time to do it. I guess she's a telepathic person or something because she came just as you guys were confronting me. Crazy, huh?"

"Steve, what took you so long to tell us? We'll always be there for you, like you have with us," El said.

"I know, El, but this was personal. I realize a lot of your guys' stuff was just as personal....but sometimes I just like a good secret to myself. You know?" He said.

Max sighed and said, "We forgive you, of course. But Nancy, if you hurt him, we've got guns and other stuff. Be afraid."

The whole party nodded in agreement. They would do anything to protect Steve, the way he protected them.

Nancy nodded and said, "Don't worry, my mother Karen, raised me right."

"I have an aunt named Karen," Mike said absentmindedly.

Nancy started at him in surprise. "You're Mike, right?"

Mike nodded.

"Mike Wheeler. I had a cousin named Mike. His parents were lousy, according to Mom. He went miss....holy crap! We're cousins!" Exclaimed Nancy.

Mike stared at her in shock before he said, "Wow, Harrington, going after my family? I see how it is now, Steve!"

"I had no idea that she was your cousin!" Steve had practically roared the words. Will teared up in fear, & El put her arms around the group, as if to say, "no one is leaving, not even if the family comes to hunt them down."

"Woah now, calm down," Nancy said, "It's not that serious."

"But it is!" Mike exclaimed.

El sighed and said, "Look, guys, Steve didn't know that Nancy was Mike's cousin, so just get over it. Nancy, it's nice to meet you. I'm El." She stuck her hand out and Nancy shook it.

The others sighed and followed her lead. That was how Nancy Wheeler became a part of their life.

Word count: 484

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