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Okay, but I'm just going to embarrass myself by telling you about a dream I had last night. So buckle up and grab your popcorn and tea, bc here we go!

So basically, the Cullen's and Bella from Twilight were on a beach, eating Lunchables.

They were plotting how to get across the ocean when Bella said, "We could always use a pegasus," so they were all talking scientific talk, yk?

Thinking about how to get across the ocean on a freaking pegasus.

So they walked down to the water and Alice was like, "How do we get a pegasus?"

And Bella was like, "See, that's the thing. I don't know."

Then Carlisle was like, "Let's just call one."

And they were all like okay, why didn't we think of that?

So they called the pegasus and the pegasus came to them.

Then they had a new problem: how were they all going to fit on one pegasus?

So they threw their Lunchables trash away and called more Pegasuses, then got on them and flew across the ocean.

They landed on a small island and dismounted the Pegasuses. "See guys, Bella has good ideas," said Alice.

"Yeah," said Bella.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and said, "I'm hungry."

Jasper said, "We threw away the Lunchables, Rosalie."

Okay so this is no joke-💀

What is wrong with my unconscious mind???😭😭😭




Word count: 238

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