~Joyce Byers Part One~

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Ring ring. The sound of the phone pierced through the silence of the still house.

Steve stirred as he got up and slipped on a sweater. He got up and picked up the phone.

"The Harrington's," he said tiredly. "Hi, I'm Joyce, do you have my son Will?" A voice asked. "Depends on who's asking," Steve replied.

"Joyce Byers, I'm Will's mother. He ran away from me at the airport. He's been missing since so I did a little snooping and found out he was staying there. I'll pay you any amount of my money, if you go to California next Tuesday night and return him to me," the voice said, before she hung up.

It took a couple of seconds for her words to sink in, before Steve slumped against the wall and cried.

"Steve?" He heard a soft voice ask. He looked up to see Max. He hurriedly tried to wipe at his face, but she grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sinking down next to him.

After Steve explained everything to her, he heard her give out a heavy sigh.

"Steve?" She asked.

"Yes, Max?" He replied, looking into her clear blue eyes.

"When you took us in, did you expect to grow so attached to us? I mean, you're crying over possibly losing Will to his own mother. I feel like these past few weeks have felt like heaven. It feels like I have an actual family, and I can't help but wonder....do you feel the same? I mean, your parents suck. You're an only child. That has to be hard for you. Did we brighten up your life? Or is this all an act?" Max whispered.

"Max, this is all genuine. I....love you all, in a way, like a mother loves their children. Like a kid loves their family. You guys are the best thing to me nowadays. I didn't expect to grow so attached, but now that I have, it's hard to think about life without you guys. That's why I'm crying over possibly losing Will. I've already lost so many people in my life. My parents had no interest with me before I even turned six weeks old. My life is messed up. You guys....brought a meaning to living. I know that may sound cheesy, but it's true. And I'll never forget the day that brought you guys to me and brightened up my life, like you guys were the sun and I was the Earth. You hear me, Max? You may hate me, but just know that if I do anything wrong, it's because you feel like family to me," Steve replied.

Max sniffled. "Are you crying?" He asked.

"No, my eyes are sweating."

Steve brought Max into an embrace, and she slowly relaxed into it, and Steve couldn't help but wonder, was this what it felt like to be a parent? To actually be their for your child, unlike his parents? Was this what he had missed out on for part of his childhood?

He took a deep breath, and rested his head on Max's. To think this all started because of Joyce Byers demanding for her son back.

To think that one phone call can bring two people who hide their emotions together and make them confess their feelings.


Word count: 559

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now