~Wait, You Guys Aren't Dating~

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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, a Saturday where Steve actually had a day off of work.

They were lazing on the couch, everyone watching a show about marine animals.

"Guys, this is booooring," El complained. Steve sighed and nodded in agreement.

"We could play D&D?" Will suggested. They all nodded and shrugged. That's how you know they were bored, because even the girls and Steve agreed to play.

At least it's not Monopoly, Steve thought. They set the board up on the dining room table, when Steve's parents walked downstairs.

After they paraded out of Hawkins High School for ice cream, the Harringtons had gone to their house, surprised to see all the furniture and clothes.

They'd apologized to everybody, but they had to bribe Max into saying sorry, because honestly, everything she had said that night about Mr. and Mrs. Harrington  was completely true.

The Harringtons, however, become rude and cruel fast. They got rid of El and Max's wardrobes and replaced it with dresses and skirts and tights and fancy shoes made of lace.

They told the boys they should get more sleep and watch less television, and that they should eat vegetables.

They even told Steve he should probably ditch his Farrah Fawcett spray, which is a big no-no.

Steve and the party were getting pretty annoyed with the Harrington parents and the girls were bored of circle skirts and collared sweaters with fancy lacy shoes. 

"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad," Steve said in a fake pleasant, happy voice. "Hello, Stevie," Mrs. Harrington replied.

She looked at Max, who was wearing a light blue skirt with a bright orange sweater and white lacy shoes.

"Maxine, honey, those clothes don't match. Why don't you go upstairs and change?" Mrs. Harrington asked politely.

El grunted and said, "With all due respect, Mrs. Harrington, Max can dress however she wants. So can I. We hate these skirts and stuff."

Mrs. Harrington sighed as she looked El up and down. She was wearing a pink collared shirt with a white pleated skirt down to her ankles and bright pink flats, with silver tights.

"But you two look beautiful in them," Mr. Harrington said sweetly. Both girls rolled their eyes. "For real, though, Mom and Dad, they can dress however they want," Steve said.

El rolled her eyes and said, "I'm going to the bathroom," while the boys went up to the room they shared and Max went to watch MTV.

Steve and the Harrington parents got into screaming match while El raided through Mrs. Harrington's closet.

She was still going through it, searching for pants, when she heard Mike say, "You've got nerve, El, for raiding the authority's closet."

El giggled and nodded, pulling out a pair of ugly beige slacks.

Mike smiled and asked, "Would you really wear that?" El smiled and shook her head.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"I'd look ugly," she replied, wrinkling her nose.

"Nah, you'd look cute," he argued, blushing. "You really think so?" He nodded.

"Honestly, you'd look good in a freaking garbage bag," he said. "Aww, thank you, Mike. You wouldn't look bad in a trash bag either," she winked.

"OMG, are you guys dating yet?" They heard Steve say, munching on popcorn. "Steve!" Everyone yelled, except for the Harrington parents, who were making pasta.

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now