~The End of The Beginning~

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(idk ok I just thought it was funny 😂)

El sighed as she walked into Scoop's Ahoy, where Steve and Robin stood talking and joking.

"Steve," she said, "Mike said you suck and he wants to kill you."

"What's new?" He grumbled.

El shrugged, "Strawberry cone, please."

Robin nodded and got to work while Steve asked her, "So whatcha doing at the mall?"

He winked at her as she shot him a menacing glare.

"Shopping," she replied casually.

"With Mike?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So what? Is it illegal now? 'Cause last time I checked-"

Steve stuffed the cone in her hands and said, "Get back to your boyfriend already."

"He's not my boyfriend!" She protested, before jogging out of the shop.

Robin rolled her eyes and said, "Liar."

Steve chuckled and nodded in agreement.

El walked out to Mike and said with a frown, "They think we're dating."

"Of course they do," he said, rolling his eyes.

She shrugged and said, "Ooh, come on, there's a hot dog on a stick store!"


Dustin and Will were watching a sports game while Lucas and Max made cupcakes, when El and Mike got home.

El jogged upstairs to put her stuff away as Mike joined Dustin and Will.

When El arrived back downstairs, she looked absolutely exhausted, but she just walked on to the kitchen.

She smiled at her friends and piped up, "Max, I got you that outfit you wanted."

"Oh my fVck!ng God, you are my literal savior!" Max shouted, giving her a tight hug.

El just shrugged and poured herself a glass of sparkling grape juice.

Lucas handed her a cupcake and said, "You shall be our taste tester, m'lady."

Max glared at the back of his head but El just giggled and said, "Don't you think you guys should taste it first? After all, you made the them."

"Take it," he said menacingly, "Oh, and, enjoy!"

El shook her head but took a small bite of the cupcake.

It was rich chocolate with peppermint icing and a chocolate covered cherry.

It was perfectly sweet and tasted delicious.

"Oh my God, I love it!" She exclaimed, taking another bite.

Max laughed and said, "Glad you like it. If you didn't, you'd have a nasty black eye right about now."

El grinned and said, "Of course I would."

She walked out of the kitchen, cupcake in hand, and to the living room.

"Hey losers, look what I got," she said, bragging.

The boys rolled their eyes, as did she, before running up to her and Max's shared room.

A couple of hours later, the party got dressed in nicer clothes than usual to meet Steve and Robin at Enzo's, the fanciest restaurant in all of Hawkins.

El wore a lacy purple shirt with high waisted jeans and fresh new Reeboks, her hair in a simple ponytail.

Max wore a sunny yellow collared shirt, a denim jean skirt, tights, and slightly paler yellow flats that Mrs. Harrington had gifted her, her dark red hair in a braid down her back.

The boys all wore the same khaki pants and Reeboks, but their tops were slightly different.

Mike wore a black polo, Will wore a dark grey one, Lucas a bright red, and Dustin a pristine white with a bright orange button down over top, unbuttoned.

They grabbed their bikes and were off, talking and laughing and waiting impatiently for the moment they could savor the fancy, expensive food that only Enzo's could offer.

Finally, they arrived and walked into the restaurant. It was absolutely beautiful, and as El took it in she whispered, "Wow."

Max spotted Steve and Robin and grabbed her wrist, dragging her over to their table, gesturing for the boys to follow.

Mike rolled his eyes, but he and the others followed the girls over to the table.

Steve and Robin had changed out of their ridiculous sailor outfits and into matching white polo shirts and navy dress pants, only Robin wore black heels and Steve wore Reeboks, leaving the party surprised that Robin was wearing heels.

Robin's hair was double French braided, and Steve's hair was just as symmetrical as ever.

After the party sat down, Steve ordered Cokes in fancy wine glasses for all of them.

And when the Cokes arrived, he said, "Cheers to a wonderful summer, may we have luck in the upcoming months."

"Cheers!" They yelled so loud, the whole restaurant turned to glare.

But they just smiled and joked the night away, sipping on Coke in wine glasses.

And that's how Steve Harrington's life changed. I know it's hard to believe, but hey, now you know.

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now