~Joyce Byers Part Three~

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"What?" Steve asked, surprised. "I'm Joyce Byers, Will's mother. Actually," she told him.

Steve shook his head, speechless. Should he believe her? After all, he didn't know what it was like to have caring parents, was this what it was like?

Would caring parents show up to the house of the person you were staying with demanding to get you back, or would they just call to tell you to be safe, like Steve's parents did?

He figured it was probably the first option. Sighing, he said quietly, "Will is upstairs, I'll tell him to pack a bag."

Seeing how sad Steve was saying this, Joyce's heart softened. "Actually, I'm not here for Will. I'm here to thank you....for taking care of my son. He truly sounded heartbroken, talking about leaving the place he now resided in. And I'm happy. It's true, I haven't thought about how Jonathan and Will felt about California in a while, I've had a successful job, I've been in a good relationship, I've even had friends! I just assumed their life was great, but I guess I was wrong. Goodbye," she said.

"Wait," Steve said, "You can at least go see him, he's your son for Farrah Fawcett's sake," he said.

Joyce nodded as Steve yelled for Will. The two hugged and cried and then they agreed he should come back to California for the next school break or something.

After Joyce left, the party and Will left for Scoops Ahoy to pick on Robin the best they could and get ice cream to celebrate Will staying.

Sorry for the short chapter.
Word count: 271

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