~Jeremiah Bowie~

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Back a long time ago, there was a young man whom all the girls had a crush on.

They would try their best to impress him, but nothing worked. He only had eyes for one person: Carol Imani.

But Carol was the one girl who didn't like him. They had been close friends since first grade, and Carol didn't see Jeremiah in that way.

So, Jeremiah tried to attract her. However, much like the girls trying to impress him, nothing he tried worked.

Eventually, in eighth grade, he just confessed his feelings for her. Carol had to go through the struggles in explaining that she was dating Stephen Harrington.

That same night, he went to a dinner party and saw his all time favorite cousin, Alyssa Bowie, crying in the corner of her bedroom.

"What's wrong?" He had asked softly, rubbing her back.

"Your stupid friend is dating my Stephen," Alyssa had stammered.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"Stevie broke up with me because Carol wanted to avoid dating you at all costs," his cousin explained tearfully.

Jeremiah gasped and asked, "I'm not that bad, am I?"

"No, Jeremiah, Carol is just a b!tch," Alyssa muttered.

Jeremiah stared at his preppy cousin in surprise. Alyssa just sniffled and stood up, grabbing a sparkly pink notebook from her beside table.

"Do you want me to leave so you can write in your precious diary?" Jeremiah had teased.

"Not the time, Jerry. We need to plot our plan for revenge in here," Alyssa explained, grinning mischievously.

Jeremiah grinned and said, "Now you're speaking my language."

Two Weeks Later

"Lyss, we've tried everything," Jeremiah protested, "We're going to get in some big trouble if we take it any further."

"I don't care Jeremiah, I want my revenge!" Alyssa shrieked, plopping down onto her bed, her notebook in hand.

"Just because your rich doesn't mean you're going to get everything you want!" He yelled.

Alyssa's face drooped, obviously hurt. Realizing what he just said, he fought to take it back but Alyssa just shook her head, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Get out," she said quietly.

"I didn't mean that, Alyssa, you're right, let's just plan-"

"I SAID, GET OUT MY ROOM, JEREMIAH!" Alyssa yelled, tears flowing faster down her face, dripping off her chin and onto the collar of her dress.

He held his hands up in defense and said, "I'm sorry, Lyss, but if you don't want my help, you're not going to get it."

He walked out of her room, furious.

Weeks later, rumors of Stephen Harrington cheating on Carol Imani for his ex, Alyssa Bowie, spread quickly around the school like a disease.

There was also talk that Alyssa had told Carol not to like Jeremiah, and Alyssa spread all of Jeremiah's secrets to the whole school.

The two cousins didn't speak from then on, but Jeremiah had vowed to bring h3ll upon his cousin in the following years.

A/N: Drama. That's the only word to explain this chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

Word Count: 509

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