~I don't get emotional~

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A young boy with luscious brown hair walked towards his mothers bathroom door, and slowly eased it open. He picked up a gold tube of expensive lipstick and smeared it across the wall beside the mirror.

"Red is pretty," he told himself, then put it perfectly across his lips, put the lid on, and dropped it into the white trashcan that had been set next the toilet.

He grabbed an eyeshadow palette and a brush and inspected each item. He grabbed a thicker brush, swirled it in dark green eyeshadow and began painting grass on the toilet lid. He washed the brush off and used eyeshadow to paint his grandmother's front yard.

There was a white bench swing next to a tall oak tree, and three stick figures standing next to the tree. He grabbed eyeliner for highlights, then stepped back and smiled as he admired his work. "Pretty," he said, then grabbed his mother's camera and took multiple pictures of his masterpiece.

"Mother!" He yelled, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Meanwhile, a young woman with teased brown hair wearing a puffy long sleeved dress to her knees, with white tights with shiny black flats her ankles crossed, pearls in her pale ears, with a freckled nose, sipped ginger tea.

A woman with dark brown curls to her waist sits across from her, wearing a flowy pink skirt, a tight white shirt, and white shiny high heels.

Both woman hear the little boy crying for his mother, but decide to ignore it. "So, Clea, are your children better than my Steve?" The woman with teased brown hair asks the other woman, Clea.

"Well, May has gotten sassier lately, but she is almost a teenager, so I guess that's to be expected," Clea replied, "And Donny is a baby, so there isn't much to report about him."

The other woman nodded. "Momma, come here!" They heard young Steve yell. The woman rolled her eyes as Clea grew visibly worried.

"Shouldn't you check on Steve?" She asked. The other woman rolled her eyes and shook her head before she said, "Steve is almost six, he should be able to take care of himself."

"I dunno," Clea replied. Mrs. Harrington just shrugged and said, "Don't worry, Clea, he'll be fine. He always is."

Steve, however, is growing frustrated that his mother is not listening to him. Furious, he grabs the expensive lipstick from the trashcan and begins drawing all types of red things on the walls of the hallway.

"Mother!" He screeches, "Come look at my artwork, Mother!"

Mrs. Harrington rolls her eyes and yells back, "Stevie, I'm busy talking to Aunt Clea, can't it wait?"

"No!" Steve yells, snapping a picture of the lipstick mural he had created, proud of himself. He heard his mother talking to his Aunt Clea, and then he heard the familiar sound of high heels on the wooden floor of the staircase.

Mrs. Harrington stared at her son in shock, with his fluffy brown hairdo she had done earlier this morning, wearing her expensive red lipstick, when her eyes fell on the what used to be a plain white a pink polka dotted wallpaper.

The last thing that little Steve Harrington remembers from that day is his mother raising her fist and his cheek stinging.


Steve's eyes pricked with tears as he scanned his eyes over the gifts the party had given him. After Robin had saved Steve from Kane, she had slapped Tori across the face and threatened her, causing Tori to drop she and Kane's ice cream cones on the ground before they both sprinted away in fear.

Steve had then finished off his day at Scoops and retrieves the kids from the fountain, but when he got there he saw the gift bags they had.

Then he'd taken the time to open the presents and control the bickering between Dustin, Will, El, and Max, Lucas and Mike, the others grilling Lucas and Mike for their selection of gifts.

He inspected the notes inside the cards. 

Thanks for all the support and food you've given us.

I appreciate everything you've done for us, especially since most of us are broken inside. Including you, I can tell. You're different then the other adults we've met along the way. Sympathetic, caring. Hope you enjoy the gift Max and I got you.

Thanks for giving us a place to stay. I appreciate it.

Thanks bro.

Thanks man.

You're a pretty cool guy, despite your stupid hair routine. Farrah Fawcett spray! Pfft! I still can't believe it, but I'm super grateful for you taking care of us. And no, I'm not being forced to write this.
MADMAX *insert evil smile*

"You two are horrible at writing notes, you know that, right?" Said Steve, pointing at Lucas and Mike, his voice cracking on the word two.

"Aww, is Steve going to cry?" Max asked, smirking.

"No, I don't get emotional," Steve said, turning away as hot tears dripped down his face.

The last time he was given any type of gift was his 16th birthday. His parents had just gotten back from a year long trip in Russia, so they didn't have much time to go out and shop for his birthday.

In the end, they just got him a used car and some polo shirts. His Aunt Clea sent a decal for his car, it was a llama wearing a bright red collar that read Steve in glittery black cursive, which Steve had thrown out immediately.

"Steve, you're crying," El argued, her voice soft. "I'm sorry, it's just, the last time I got a meaningful gift, I was like three, so it means the world to me," Steve explained, quickly rubbing at his eyes.

"Don't be ashamed," said Will.

The party crowded around him, and hugged him. Even Max, who, like Steve, acted tough and hid her emotions out of embarrassment and shame. Sometimes all you need is some caring friends and someone you have something in common with to open up.

Thank goodness the party had found Steve. He'd solved so many of their problems.

This is definitely not the end of Mama Steve, I promise, there's more to come! Let me know what you think the comments, or suggestions for chapters! Thanks! Bye,
Word Count: 1,061

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