~Nancy Wheeler Part 1~

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A few weeks later, the party had noticed that Steve was happier than he usually was.

One night, they decided to confront him about it. "Steve, why have you happy lately?" Max asked.

Steve blushed, embarrassed. "Ooh," said El, "Drama."

"Shut up, respectfully," Max said.

Steve blushed more as he thought about Max's question. Why was he so happy?

He sighed. "I've been....with someone lately," he said, blushing. "You owe me ten dollars," El told Mike plainly.

"El," said Steve, "You can't make bets like that."

"Sure I can," was her reply, "You did it for me and Mike."

Dustin smirked and said, "You got him there, El." She just nodded, a smile on her face.

"Well, anyways, I've been dating this girl. Her name's Nancy. She works for the Hawkins Post," Steve said.

Dustin said, "Yes! I'm going there tomorrow." "Dustin!" Max exclaimed.

Steve rolled his eyes. Mike grabbed a juice box from the fridge and said, "We just wanna know more about her. How she makes you feel."

Steve nodded, taking his words in. He thought for a second, then shrugged. After all, what did he have to lose?

"Her favorite color is either pink or purple, depending on her mood, and she has this way of making you feel like you're special without saying it. She'll make you cry with her wisdom, to be honest. And she's so freaking kind and bada*s that I look like a wimp of a guy next to her," Steve said, eyes glazing over.

Lucas patted his shoulder and said, "I can't believe I'm saying this to someone who isn't Mike, but man, you're whipped."

Mike and Steve both said, "Hey!"

"Steve's in loooove," Max sang.

"Shut up, please," Steve said.

"Come on guys, let the guy be," said a light, misty voice, clearly belonging to a female.

Everybody whirled around and screamed, except for Steve.

"Nancy!" Steve shouted.

"Oh, are you the kids Steve's been talking about? I'm Nancy, Nancy Wheeler," she said, with a light smile.

"No way! My last name's Wheeler!" Mike exclaimed.

"Are we just not going to question the fact that she somehow got into Steve's house?" Max asked, annoyed.

El walked over to the silverware drawer and grabbed a butterknife. She raised it warningly and said, "I don't care who you are, why and how are you in here?"

Nancy giggled and said, "Steve gave me a key."

"STEVE!" The party roared. Steve winced and gave them an innocent grin.

It was apparent that Steve had some explaining to do.

Hey guys, so my friend Em helped me with this chapter thanks so much you are greatly appreciated!!! Thanks to all my readers and followers, and the people who put Mama Steve in their reading lists. Also thanks for 820 reads that's the most I've ever gotten and I'm so proud of this story! Hope you enjoyed this chapter Nancy Wheeler Part 2 should be coming out soon but due to school you may have to wait a while 😢.
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Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now