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When they arrive home, Robin is eating popcorn on the couch.

"Really, Buckley?" Steve asks, annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I was just hungry and worried and Nancy wasn't picking up her phone and-"

"Be quiet for a second," Steve said, putting a hand up.

They all heard hardwood floors creaking from upstairs.

"Here we go again!" Robin says frightfully, clutching the popcorn bowl to her chest.

"Robin," El said comfortingly, "You're okay."

Robin nodded and stuffed more popcorn into her mouth as Jeremiah walked slowly down the staircase.

"So you decided to try and turn me in," Jeremiah said coldly.

"Yeah, so what?" Asked Steve, annoyed.

"I told you not to," Jeremiah hissed.

"What do you want, you psycho killer freak?" Robin exclaimed, hugging the popcorn bowl to her chest

"I'm going to make a deal with you...if each of you gives up what you love most, I'll let Lyssa go," Jeremiah said, smiling smugly.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Jeremiah smirked in accomplishment.

Steve took a shaky breath and said, "Listen, bigshot, you don't scare me."

But before Jeremiah could say anything, they heard a loud bang and Nancy walked inside, advancing slowly on Jeremiah, a shotgun in her hand.

Jeremiah's eyes widened and he backed up. Nancy set the gun down and said, "Hey."

"Umm....hey, Nance."

A/N: Lmao so many plot twist. And it's short, so I apologize. Thanks for reading, have a good day and/or night. Peace. ✌️

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now