~The Start of a Disaster~

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It was a little past midnight and the party was playing D&D, while Max and El were bent over a paper with unknown writing on it.

"What are you girls doing, anyways?" Asked Lucas as Dustin and Will argued over what Dustin's next move should be.

"Nothing," Max giggled.

"Fireball him!" They heard Will yell.

"Will, I'm going to use the protection spell!" Dustin argued.

"Shut up, both of you," El hissed, "We don't want to wake Steve up."

"Fine, I choose protection spell," Dustin told Mike.

Will sighed and said, "You're going to kill us all, Dustin. Way to go."

"Boys," Max warned before Dustin could snap back at Will.

The two boys rolled their eyes and Lucas turned around to continue playing the game. Suddenly, the TV, which had been softly playing the news, went to a loud static.

El shrieked in surprise and Lucas snatched the paper in curiousity. Max glared at him, before she got up to turn off the TV.

They heard a door open and all tensed up as Max tried to get the TV to turn off, but it just wouldn't.

Mrs. Harrington stood at the base of the stairs, wearing a fluffy pink robe and match slippers with a lacy white nightgown, her hair up in bright pink and orange rollers.

She frowned as she watched Max struggle.

"Maxine, darling," Mrs. Harrington said softly.

Max turned to her, furious. "What do you want?" She snapped.

She just nodded her head at the screen. The party started at it, eyes glazed over in fear.

On the news was a segment about a murderer who had escaped from a jail station in Indianapolis, who had been reported breaking into a house just down the street from the Harringtons.

A picture of a blonde, middle aged man flashed across the screen. Mrs. Harrington gasped.

The party turned to glare at her, but stopped when they saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What is it?" El asked softly.

"That man is my cousin. Jeremiah Bowie. H-he has a house key and h-he called last night to announce his visit," Mrs. Harrington explained, shakily.

El's eyes widened as they heard the lock click. The party turned just as Mr. Jeremiah Bowie entered the room, a creepy smile on his face.

"Hello, everybody," he said in a Southern accent as the TV went to static again.

A/N: I whipped this chapter up bored so here ya go ✌️

Word Count: 417

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