~I Don't Take Apologies Now~

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The party and Mrs. Harrington stared at Jeremiah in shock.

"You had a lot of children, didn't you, Alyssa?" He asked, eyeing the kids.

His eyes narrowed at Lucas, he asked, "Did you and Stephen break up?"

"Mom?" Steve asked from the doorway of his bedroom.

"Kids, go upstairs to Steve's room," Mrs. Harrington said cautiously.

The party hurried up to join Steve. Together, they creeped forward and watched everything unfold.

"Jeremiah, dear, why don't we talk?" Mrs. Harrington said, staring him in the eye.

"Save it, Alyssa. I've waited a long time to finally get to you," Jeremiah snapped.

Mrs. Harrington shivered and said, "Jerry, are you still mad from all those years ago?"

"No, I'm completely over it," he said sarcastically.

"That was years ago! I was a foolish teenage girl! Can't you just get over it?" Mrs. Harrington burst out.

"But that's the thing, Alyssa. Ever since that day, even as a mature adult, you didn't even try to contact me. Do you know how much that hurt?"

Mrs. Harrington sighed, looking down at her slippers. "I regret doing what I did, Jeremiah, that's no lie. But I guess I was just scared of the...wrath you'd unleash if I even came near you," she said softly.

Jeremiah just rolled his eyes and said, "Where's Stephen? Did he realize how fake you where?"

"Depends on which Steve you're talking about," piped up Steve.

"Who are you?" Jeremiah demanded.

"Steve Harrington," he said plainly.

Jeremiah wrinkled his nose and turned back to Mrs. Harrington.

"It's apparent you've had a nice life," he snarled. Mrs. Harrington stared at him.

He glared at her and said, "I'm going to use one of your guest bedrooms, okay Lyssie? If you turn me in- there will be consequences."

He pounded up the stairs and opened the door to El and Max's room flopping down on El's bed.

Mrs. Harrington rushed to her bedroom and they could hear the sounds of her sobs.

"What do we do?" Lucas asked shakily.

"Turn him in?" Max suggested.

"He literally just threatened us not to," Steve snapped.

"So....get someone else to turn him in," El said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Who, genius?" Dustin snapped.


"Jesus Christ, Robin, it took you way too long to get here," Steve hissed.

"Step aside," the police officer said. He and his partner walked past them.

A couple of minutes later, they walked downstairs and said, "You think you're a genius, don't you? Come on. We're taking all of you into the station."

Word count: 436

Mama Steve (A Stranger Things AU story type of thing)Where stories live. Discover now