The chapter includes loss of a pet, dizziness and mentions of Anastasia, be safe out here guys.
Narrator's POV:
Kai Mikhailov was as happy as he could be, he had three best friends, Raven, Max and Clam, that he could trust with his life, an acting career (Although that one wasn't really going places), a job at a local café, 'Ara's food and drinks' where he was close to the owner, Amara, but they weren't close enough to have any correlation to each other.
Kai had a difficult teenage life, at the tender age of eleven Kai had terrible dizziness, which made doing stuff like, walking, standing, moving his head, hanging out with his friends, (And girlfriend, but we'll talk about that later), going to school, something that his parents hated, beyond anything, was the fact that Kai could not go to school, the fact that Kai was unable to get the chance of a free education was the least of his worries, actually Kai was elated at the fact that he was unable to get to school.
In primary school, he was extremely intelligent. However, before his tenth birthday, he burned himself out. The dizziness actually gave him a well-deserved break, during his dizziness, Kai learned three languages, Russian (Which he already knew but had forgotten the language because of lack of use), Latvian and Polish.
Kai moved house while he was dizzy, he stayed in the small town he was in, but he moved into a bigger house with his parents, his dog and a new puppy they bought from a friend, Kai was still quite young and very dizzy, but he took care of this dog, named Muffin, because of Kai's extreme craving of blueberry muffins, but Muffin's name had unofficially been, 'bug' or 'bed bug', Kai had no idea when or why they called her that, but it was a funny inside joke in their family.
Muffin's life was short-lived, as Muffin, the happiest dog in the entire world, died at seven years old, from ingesting a safety pin. Kai remembered the day as if it were yesterday, her cries of pain as the vets tried to help her, the last tear-filled goodbye before the vets injected her with something to "put her to sleep."
Kai had her cremated and made into a necklace that he wears every day and a tattoo for her that said, "run fast and far, my bug".
Kai changed that day, after the loss of his freedom at age eleven and now, the loss of his best friend.
A few months later, at eighteen years old, seven years and five months after his dizziness started, did the doctor found a way to help the dizziness stay away, it took all of Kai's mental capacity, but he did it, for a few hours a day, Kai could walk normally, stand up without falling and the best thing ever, work, Kai had started working at sixteen, only he had jobs that would make sure that he could stay at home and work, now he could work normally, on the day that he finally got the green light, he made a promise to himself to never waste another day that could have been spent doing nothing. Therefore, following the disconnection with his parents, who were unsupportive of any decisions he made, including his decision to transition from female to male, he relocated to a modest flat with his closest companion, Clam.
Raven and Max moved in with each other in another flat in the same building, Kai, Clam, Raven and Max were all going to university close by, Kai was studying performance arts, Clam was studying art, Raven was studying law and Max was studying criminology.
There had been someone in Clam's art class, who sat behind her, and spent the entire first lesson staring at her, then Clam started noticing the fact that whenever she looks over at the girl, she's always looking at her, Kai had picked Clam up from class once and swore he recognised her, Clam said that he probably saw her in one of his vivid nightmares he had, when he did sleep, Kai would have horrible vivid nightmares about the death of his friends or family, Kai could explain the nightmares step by step, from the happy moments to the moments that had Clam have to take a break from his explanations to compose herself. Kai stopped sleeping, not completely, since after a while, Kai would almost pass out of exhaustion.
Kai graduated from university at age twenty-one, with a degree in preforming arts, Clam hadn't graduated yet, but Max, one year older than Kai, had also graduated at twenty-one, Raven, the youngest of all of them, still had a while until she had her degree, so she was still studying full time while Max worked.
*looks up from laptop* *chuckles* this is gonna be fun.
also rip muffin, i cried writing your death scene<3 (turns out listening to lana del rey while writing a sad dog scene is good for the writing, but not good for you, especially when muffin is based off of your own alive (for now) dog).
not a thousand words, but we're like a hundred words off.
also, updating every week until we get back to where the book was before the re-re-write.
and im sorry to all the people now craving muffins bec of muffin.

Teen FictionKai Mikhailov has spent over sixteen years believing that he was Bisexual. That changes once he meets Amara, an Aro Ace café owner. Read on as Kai deals with returning dizziness, an Aro Ace crisis, the loss of his close friends and so much more.