Warning: There is alcohol misuse in this chapter! Please skip if you are uncomfy!
The next month flew by. To everyone except Kai. Kai was neck deep in the biggest crisis of his life.
And while his chosen family was very helpful, helping him with any questions he might have, the questions were mostly asking if this one thing was something that Amara or Apollo did, it didn't help Kai.
He used his last resort. His oldest friends, Raven and Max.
He asked to meet up at their flat, which they agreed to right away.
Kai was explaining his crisis, Raven and Max were surprisingly helpful. Raven's mood dropped when he started to explain the meaning for this meeting, but she kept smiling and listening to her friend's crisis.
Kai sighed loudly as he finished his rant, lying across Raven's bed, with his head in her lap. Raven was playing with his hair, braiding the blue locks. Kai was planning to die his hair his natural brown soon, he was starting to get very bored with the dark blue.
"But I thought you dated that girl in high school?" Raven brought up. Kai sighed, "Yeah, but do you remember how we were? We were barely a couple, and I don't think I actually felt something for her. I just built myself up to thinking that I liked her."
The door rang when Kai finished his explanation. Max yelled for the person to come inside and that they were in Raven's room. Kai was confused for a second. Until he saw Clam's black hair at Raven's door.
Kai sat up, asking, "What the fuck is this?" Clam opened her mouth to say something before Kai shut her down, "I didn't ask you."
Raven took the lead, "Well you see, this was a group activity, so we need all the members of the group."
Kai scoffed, "What kind of new meds are you on? I told you that I wasn't every going to be talking to Clam any more!"
"Kai!" Max started, "I know that Clam hurt you, but we're a group, a family, you're just holding a grudge, you know what happens to people who hold grudges? They die bitter and alone."
Kai felt betrayed, his best friends, the people that he trusted with his life, the people who understood everything, suddenly couldn't understand him.
"Wowww..." Kai laughed out. Tears were gathering in his eyes.
Clam was confused, "Wait, I thought you cleared this? You told me that Kai wanted to see me."
Kai exclaimed, "Did you not hear me? I never want to see you!"
Clam found interest in the ground as Kai started to get his stuff.
"Kai! We're just doing what's best for you!" Raven told him as she tried to stop him from leaving.
"Move." Kai snapped at Clam, Clam shook her head. "Clammy." Kai warned.
Clammy was a silly nickname Kai had come up with. Clam had never heard it so viciously spoken.
Clam moved and allowed Kai to step past her, going for the front door.
Raven went after him. "Kai! Please don't leave! I know how much you miss Clam! Let's just forget everything that happened! We can be best friends again, you can move back in with Clam!"
"I don't want to forgive anyone. Clam hasn't really apologised for anything. I am perfectly happy with where I live right now, and you know what? I really don't understand why you don't want to understand my side. I won't call you later, Raven. Have a nice life."

Roman pour AdolescentsKai Mikhailov has spent over sixteen years believing that he was Bisexual. That changes once he meets Amara, an Aro Ace café owner. Read on as Kai deals with returning dizziness, an Aro Ace crisis, the loss of his close friends and so much more.