Chapter Fifteen

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The trio had got the flat they wanted, so they decided that tomorrow they would start to pack everything up, so for the last time in a while they would sit down, Apollo, his girlfriend, Dabria, Amara and Kai.

The current subject was high school, the youngest of the four, Kai, spent little to no time actually at high school, so he had to busy himself with other things, namely reading countless amounts of fan fiction and learning languages.

"There is no way you know how to speak four languages, not including English!" Amara argued.

Kai sighed, putting his hot chocolate down, "Oh yes there is, you know five years being dizzy non-stop is a lot of time! I wanted to do something with my time, so I took it upon myself to learn some languages, my family moved here from Latvia, Russian is their first language so that's a given. I wanted to learn Latvian because that's where my family comes from, my mother was once fluent in German, so I know a little of that. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time with Polish people since my parents were friends with a lot of Polish families, so I learnt some Polish, and I can talk in perfect English, because I've been here since I was born. Every once in a while, I remind myself what I learned by taking language classes in Latvian and Polish. German isn't that important to me and I don't know a lot anyway also, I've been speaking Russian for like fourteen years."

Amara was confused, "Learning three languages is still a lot in five years, I thought you also had ADD, you can't even commit to a colouring in page, how'd you commit to three languages?"

Kai shrugged, "I did them in small intervals, I'd do one or two of the lessons then I'd take a break. And it's only like two and a half more languages, I only know a small amount of German, and I've also been around Latvian and Polish-speaking people my entire life, and I already knew Russian, I chose languages I would hear a lot, like I wouldn't go around talking to people in Latvian, but my parents were fluent in it, so it wouldn't be difficult, my father was fluent in Polish so again, wouldn't be too hard to use that instead."

"I think that's really cool!" Dabria added from her spot, curled into Apollo's side with his arm around her. "I mean, if I was you, I would spend the entire time pitying myself and eating ice cream."

Kai picked up his mug, taking a quick sip, "Yeah, I did that for about six months, except the ice cream part." 

Dabria muttered something about her wine to Apollo, who grabbed her glass of red wine off the table beside him. 

"You know, I actually had a girlfriend during high school!" Kai mentioned, Dabria almost choked on her wine, moving away from Apollo she coughed loudly. 

"Are you okay?!" Kai laughed. Dabria nodded as she calmed down. 

Except from Kai, they all laughed. "What's so funny?!" 

"You had a girlfriend!" Apollo finally said something, the entire conversation he decided to remain unspeaking, taking a bystander approach while his girlfriend and Kai took the leading role, explaining what they did during the high school period. 

"Yeah?" Kai asked, taking a sip of his drink. 

Amara wrapped an arm around the actor, "It's nothing! You just are a lot like me, I actually fully expected you to be Aro Ace."

"Well, I'm not, I'm totally bisexual." 

"So when you said you haven't ever been in a relationship?" Amara asked.

"I forgot that I actually have been in a relationship, it wasn't exactly a proper relationship, we never talked, and we just didn't work out, so I broke up with her."  Kai explained. 

"Totally makes sense, I mean Amara was in a couple of relationships in high school, worked out really well." Apollo joked and Amara gave him a look. 

"Like you were a princess when we were in that stupid boring building." Amara shot back at him. 

"I forgot you guys were friends in high school together!" Dabria exclaimed, "So how was he like?" 

"Well, Apollo..." Amara started with a knowing smile on her face, Apollo gave her a look. 

"I thought we weren't going to talk about this..." Apollo gritted out. Dabria sat up from his arms.

"Why don't you want to talk about high school? What happened? Did you like fuck a teacher?" Dabria joked.

"No, it's something I don't like talking about." Apollo took a deep drink of his glass. "I don't want to ruin the night, I promise I'll tell you about it later!" He put on a fake smile, which didn't fool anyone. 

"That's okay! I trust you didn't murder someone or something!" Dabria went to curl up beside him again, but before she completely relaxed, she kissed his jaw twice for comfort. 

"Anyway, Kai had a girlfriend." Amara changed the subject smoothly. 

"Yeah..." Kai goaded, "Why is everyone so surprised again?! I mean yeah I don't really like the romance thing, but that's normal! Isn't it?" 

The couple looked at each other and then shook their heads. 

"Well, fuck me, then."


and here we go... 

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