Chapter Thirteen

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Kai's phone rang over and over again, it was Clam. He obviously declined the calls and continued on with his day. 

Kai wanted to ignore Clam and her existence, that was easy until the door to the café opened and revealed Clam in all her glory, Kai had one of his coworkers take over for him and left to run away from her. 

Which was fine until Clam begged to see him and his coworker sold him out. 

Clam had her long hair down and tucked behind her ears, he could see his old mushroom earrings placed there, he couldn't believe her, why would Clam except Kai to listen to her while wearing his old earrings. Kai of course had his new mushroom earrings in, as soon as he got them Kai almost started worshipping the earrings, placing them in their own little box, he didn't let anyone except himself touch them. 

Kai was mumbling curses in every language he knew towards his coworker as he sat down with Clam.

"Kai! I've been trying to call you-" 

"Clam. I really don't care, and I have an audition soon, could you make this quick?" 

"Anastasia and I broke up." Clam said quietly. 

"Congrats! The party's tonight." Kai replied, Clam's looked towards the table, finding sudden interest in her fidgeting hands. Kai sighed, "What do you want?" 

"I thought since she's gone, we'd be back to normal, you could even move back in!" 

Kai laughed, thinking it was a joke but noticed her serious expression, "Oh! You're not joking!" 

"Yes, Kai, I'm not joking! Why would I be joking?" 

"I don't fucking know, Clam, maybe because you told me that I should pack my shit up and never come back or talk to you!" 

"I was just upset! I mean, you just told my girlfriend to die!" Clam defended. 

Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Oh, my fucking God! You still believe what she said! Clam, why on Earth would I say that? The only people I've ever said that to are fictional, and Amara, but that was a joke!" 

Clam opened her mouth, but Kai spoke over her, "Clam, I'm sorry, but I don't think we can ever go back to normal... Those earrings you're wearing, that was the goodbye..."

Clam grabbed onto his hand, "Oh... Kai! Please, we've been friends for years! We've been through everything! We can get through this!" Clam seemed desperate now.

Kai just shook his head, as he stood up he stumbled before catching himself, "Find yourself a new best friend, 'cause this one? He's done with you."

Clam was crying now. 

"I think I'll miss you forever, Clammy..." 

Kai didn't expect Clam to get the reference, but she sniffled before, "Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky, Kai..." 

Clam smiled sadly at him before collecting herself and leaving, not before giving him a goodbye hug, which Kai awkwardly accepted. 

"Holy fuck, I'm going to be late for my audition!" 


"Kai Mikhailov! Is that how you say it? I've heard great things!" 

"Thank you and yes it is!" 

"How about we try scene three, page forty-five, line five." 

Kai quickly flipped to the page as one of the directors came up to stand beside him, "Okay and... Go!" 

Kai had the worst luck. It was a scene where the main character was saying goodbye to his best friend. 

"Listen Amy, I need to go, I need to do this..." Kai read the line, you could hear the sadness dripping from his voice. 

"No you don't! You could stay here, with me!" The director replied. 

Kai took a deep breath and said his next line, his eyes involuntarily tearing up, "I could... We both know that I can't ignore this! I love Violet like a sister... I can't just leave her while she might die!" 

"You might die though! I can't lose you..." 

"I really don't care about what you think right now. I am saving Violet, whether you like it or not." 

"No please!" 

"Why don't you give me a reason to stay? Why are you so against me leaving or dying? Last week, you said that you wouldn't care if I died!" Kai was crying now, he was cursing himself over and over again for it. 

"Because I love you! You stupid bastard!" The director kept going, seeming to think it was part of the scene. 

"Amy.... I'm sorry... I can't do this..." Kai walked away from the director as they smiled. 

"And scene!"

The rest of the casting crew clapped. 

Kai wiped the tears from his eyes. 

"Wow!" The director said as Kai came back over, "That was so good!" 

"Thank you." 

"I mean, that was talent! I think if my colleagues agree, we might have a main character!" The director said, and Kai smiled brightly, even if he was silently praying that he wore waterproof mascara.

"Well I think you should go out, enjoy the day, we've still got some actors left, but I wouldn't worry too much, we should get back to you in around two days!" 

"I will wait for your call! Thank you so much for this opportunity!" 

"You are very welcome!" 

Kai grabbed his jacket and left with a bright smile on his face. 


When Kai had got home, he explained the entire day to his friends, who were both very happy and very sad for him. 

"Wait, who did you say it was that stabbed you in the back?" Amara asked after they had all done hugging.

"Um... It was the new guy." 

"Honestly..." Amara muttered to herself. Making a mental note. 

It was a few hours later, Kai and Amara were arguing with Dabria, who had started hanging around more as she was dating Apollo. 

"Isn't he a pedo? Why would you like that?" Apollo asked them. 

"Exactly! I mean, isn't that just supporting pedo's?" 

"It's not!" Kai shouted, "I mean, it's not like I'm going to go around and be weird with a bunch of twelve-year-olds" 

"Dear God..." Apollo muttered. 

"Shut up, Dabria simp!" Amara snapped at him. 

Kai took his phone out, went on Pinterest and turned it around, "I mean, look at him! He's just perfect!"

"He doesn't even look that good!" Dabria said, Amara and Kai gasped loudly. 

"How dare you say that?!" Amara said dramatically. 

This argument continued for another half hour. 

Everyone left without holding any grudges. Well, everyone except for Kai. But no-one would know that.


this chapter is brought to you by lana del ray and an emo teen who is at his fucking limit.

also this argument is based off a real argument my friends and i have.

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