Kai quickly took Dabria's order, and she stepped to the side. Dabria always ended up in the café, searching for Apollo, trying to see if he was there and if she could talk to him. He wasn't going to be there until later on in the day. Kai didn't say anything though, he just stood there with a grin on his face as she left.
As Dabria sat down, Kai saw out the corner of his eye a ginger head of hair and long curled black hair.
Raven and Max.
"Kai! Oh, my God! Clam is going insane, she actually forced us into the café. Said you haven't been picking up! It's so fucking funny!" Raven said. Max nodded.
"Yeah, are you guys okay? This never happens. We kept telling her to go get you by herself, but she just told us to shut the fuck up and go inside." Max added, She looked a little more worried than Raven, who obviously found the entire thing funny.
"Um... 'Mara can we swap? I have to talk to Raven and Max." Kai turned to look at his boss.
Amara quickly took his place as he stepped around to talk to his other friends. "Follow me." Kai said, and the two followed him to a booth that was empty, very rare for this time of day, but Kai took it as a blessing and sat down. Raven and Max sat down across from him.
Raven's hand found Kai's and laced their hands together. Kai didn't like or understand why she always had to do that.
"Clam and I aren't talking right now." Kai said simply, "I'm not staying with her right now. I'm staying with my boss/best friend. I'm planning to move out soon."
Raven gasped as Max stayed silent, waiting for Kai to explain.
"It started ages ago, we stopped talking. It was slow, started with her going over to her flat... Then, well y'know..." Max nodded, letting Kai continue.
"Then Anastasia wanted some advice to tell Clam that she loved her. I told Anastasia I would help. After all, Clam and I were best friends, she told me exactly what she wanted someone to do when they were going to tell her the three magic words. Anastasia said, and I quote, 'Clam said you guys don't talk any more, how are you still best friends?' I helped her, but I had to stay with Amara for the night, then the night turned into two nights, I wanted to tell Clam what happened, and I ended up venting, telling her everything. Then Apollo -he's friends with my boss-picked up when Clam called one time, I wasn't in the room, but Apollo told me that he tried to talk to Clam. Clam ended up calling him a bunch of stuff and tried to yell out for me. I was listening to music, so I couldn't hear. Clam then shouted out that I was 'a stupid bastard' and that 'of course things would change, did I think that when Anastasia came along that Anastasia would be second to me.' She also said that she wanted me gone, and never wanted to see me again." Raven and Max shared expression's, they were of pity. Kai didn't like pity.
Kai had seen those looks a lot when he was younger. From doctors, family and his closest friends. He had grown to hate that look.
"Oh, my God. Kai, we're so sorry..." Raven said.
Kai shook his head. "It's fine, just please tell Clam I'll be over soon to pick up more of my stuff. If you want to talk to me, text me or come over when I'm working. I still want to be friends with you guys, of course. How's it going with your crush?"
"Yeah, we'll tell her." Max said.
"And the crush is doing well, I think he's finally starting to pick between us, if he even knows we like him, of course." Raven said with a smile.
"What happens if he does pick, between you two. I hope it's not another Clam situation." Kai asked, Raven finally unlinked their fingers.
"We decided that if we can do it, of course then we're going to try and be happy for the other, and if that's not possible we're just going to talk it out. There's no need for extra drama." Max explained.
"That's a good plan!" Kai said with a smile on his face, Raven cheeks had gone unnoticeably pink, and Max also had a smile on her face.
Dabria walked past the three and Kai stopped her, "Dabria!"
"Oh, Kai? You're the one who yelled out my order, even when you guys don't do that!" Dabria said.
Raven and Max both raised an eyebrow at Kai, but he just waved it off, "Yeah!" Kai chuckled, "Apollo's coming by later, around five, if you want to see him then there's a chance you'll see him around that time."
"Thank you!"
"It's my job!"
Dabria walked away, coffee cup in hand.
"Soooo, you want to explain that?" Raven asked as Kai turned back to them, "Well you see my boss, Amara has this friend, Apollo, he really likes that girl that just left, Amara and I are planning to get them together, romantically, and for me to get paid again I need my plan to work out, so hence that."
"Oh, well, good luck!" Raven chirped.
"We have to go, Clam wants us to tell her how the mission went!" Max joked.
"Good luck, tell Clam to be out around half five. I don't wanna talk to her."
"Yeah we will."
They stood up and left, leaving Kai, who came back to Amara, "What was that?"
Kai sighed as they looked at the door, where Raven and Max had just gone through. "That was Clam's way to get me back. Seem's she regrets yelling at Apollo, or me, I don't know how that worked!"
"Well the way she sounded last night I don't think she regretted it, I think she just wants you there, just to be there, not to be her friend. But there, just in case."
"Well, she blew it, and now I'm going to live a better life!"
i have nothing to say.
but also triple update? who am i?

Roman pour AdolescentsKai Mikhailov has spent over sixteen years believing that he was Bisexual. That changes once he meets Amara, an Aro Ace café owner. Read on as Kai deals with returning dizziness, an Aro Ace crisis, the loss of his close friends and so much more.