Not so Starstruck

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Early in the morning, while I showered, got dressed, and fixed myself, I kept thinking about what he had said over and over. Did he really want to see me again? I wondered. I also wondered why he would say that if he did not mean it. Then I wondered what his name was and thought about all the British names I knew that would be fitting to him. Ruper- no- too ugly. Jamie- no- he doesn't look like one. Charles is too stuffy for him. He is definitely not a William, he is too fit. George is fitting. He could definitely be a George, oh but he could also be a Bradley or a Seamus. I kept on thinking about it on my drive to work. When I arrived there were more people than usual, but I got to work as soon as I walked in. The people there was a crew that was setting up the tracks for the challenge. The challenge was of course a 13k run or walk. People had the opportunity to run a 13k that funded the preservation of the wildlife. It was a mess and hard to do my job with all the extra people around, but it did make it more interesting than usual. When lunch time came around I went straight to the office to clock out when the manager asked me to go into his office. I popped my head in and asked what he needed. He ordered me to walk a very important visitor to the bat cages. I winced at the thought.Up to this point, I still had not conquered this fear and I had managed to switch areas with another co-worker, Chloe, who I also paid a few pounds extra to do this for me. I was never at ease with those creatures and the thought of it made my skin crawl. I could not fathom being there with them, and as I tried to explain that I was headed to lunch and that I could get someone else to take the very important person he interrupted me and ordered me again to do as he said. I replied with a small, "Yes, sir." I opened the door a little more to let the very important person through it when I heard the same voice I heard last night,
- " It's alright. I can wait for someone else to take me."
-"Nonsense!" replied the manager.
- She will be a good girl and take you". The manager walked from behind the desk and led the still unidentified mysterious man I met yesterday and me towards the door.
-"She is usually a really good, obedient sort of girl. One of our best workers in fact. He smiled as he heard the manager praise me in such a way.
"Now, run along and help our important guest." The mysterious man corrected him.
-"Henry is fine. You don't have to do the whole important guest thing." The manager promptly replied,
- " I will try to Mr.- Henry- but old habits die hard for us older people." The manager could not have been older than fifty, but he went on this way for a bit.
-"Don't you worry though, I will try to put you at ease - Henry- and now you must go to your adopted bat and follow Miss Alejandra here. And Alejandra, please make sure that"- Alejandra joined in and repeated with him.
.- " everything is locked up and none of them get out." Both Alejandra and Mr. Bilbrey said in unison.
-"Good, good. Run along you two and enjoy it all Mr- Henry." Henry smiled at him and confirmed that he would. Suddenly, I realized that this was the second time that I was seeing him and that again I was not looking my best. This made me a little self conscious as we walked because he was in a nice shirt and pants. I was so self conscious that I did not know what to say even though I wanted to point out that he was so very important that he could not wait for someone else to guide him to his dear adopted bat. He spoke suddenly and interrupted my thoughts.
- " I guess I should thank your manager." He immediately took me off my guard. At once, I asked,
- "why?" I looked at him with a confused look.
- "Well, he officially introduced us and I now know your name, something you did not tell me yesterday." I laughed at the thought and was thankful for the opportunity, for now, I could safely bring up his own lack of communication.
- "Right. Just like you did not give me yours and even forgot to tell me that you are a very important person who cannot wait around for mere common folk like me to take him to see his bat, and as I can see even a couple of bodyguards around him." The two guys and the woman around him chuckled along with him.
- "These guys! They are just here for decoration. Besides, does not everyone who needs to see their exotic adopted animals need someone from the zoo to assist?" He asked innocently.
-" Right! Please do not remind me. The thought of bats and everything bat related gives me the creeps. Listen to me; I never go in there, so I will find someone to go in with you because I cannot do that. I cannot go in there. Never have and never will." I shuddered as I explained.
-"But it is your job; It's what you are paid to do. It's what your manager said that you, the obedient and hard working Alejandra, believes you are doing." he looked at me fiercely as he said this. I looked back at him with the same determination and fierce look in my eyes.
- "Yes, I am. I just do not do that and I make sure to pay the person that goes in there to do it for me because I cannot stand the thought of them nor the sight of them. So, let's drop this conversation and let me find someone real quick to go in there with you." I noticed that he was perplexed at what I had said.
- " But bats are wonderful creatures." He began to mock me. I interrupted before he went on.
- " No. I want nothing to do with them. I know we are all God's creatures and that we should love them all the same, but I cannot; I will not." We were almost there and I had not spotted anyone that could take him in. This was just my luck. I thought to myself. I kept looking around for someone while he went on
- " Well, I think you should give them a chance." He said calmly.
- "No thanks." I kept looking around for Gerard or Minerva, but it was like they had all disappeared.
- " Come on! Stop looking, they are all doing what they are supposed to be doing and so should you. Let's go in. You will be fine." He looked reassuringly into my eyes. He made me believe him, but I could hear the flapping of their wings and their screeching and squeaking. I gulped and my stubbornness got the better of me and said,
- "Why should I believe you? Because you are important, and why are you so important anyways?" I knew I had pulled a nerve. I was trying so that he would stop trying to make me go in there. He looked hurt at first, but he also looked at his bodyguards as if he did not believe that I did not know who he was. When they looked back and shrugged their shoulders, he quickly changed his demeanor and looked more serene and consoling.
- " It does not matter who I am. What matters is that you face your fears. Now, go ahead and unlock the cage so we can go in." I was trembling too much and could barely move. I kept shaking my head no. I hoped that if I stalled long enough that I would see someone that would help me get out of this situation and help him go in to see his beloved adopted murcielago. I used the Spanish word for bats because it makes them sound as scary as they are in my mind, unlike the English word for them. Who would adopt a murcielago anyways?
-"If you are not comfortable with this, you can unlock it and I'll justo go in." I shook my head no.
- "You can't. I'll get in trouble." I answered.
"OOkay. Here's what we'll do." He was resolute. The people around him looked from him to me and I could tell they were getting a chuckle from the difficulty this guy- Henry! That name definitely suited him. He seemed perfect until he began to shove me in with his beloved scary murcielagos. Whoever this important man was, was in fact creating a spectacle and the people with him were having fun at my dispense.
-"No please!" I got a little louder than before.
- "No, really I got the answer. You'll just open the door; we'll both go in, but you just hold on to me and keep your eyes covered against me." I looked at the time it was thirty minutes into my lunch break that I clocked out for and never got. Not only was I scared but hungry as well which made my stomach even more queasy and nervous. I knew he was annoyed by now. I am sure he was in some type of rush, so I opened the gate, closed my eyes, and pressed myself tight against his core. My face came up to his pecs and I yelled,
- " Shut the gate; shut the gate!" I heard him shut the gate. I handed him the lock so he could look at it.
- "Did any of them fly away?" I asked as I still held on to him and pressed harder. It did not seem that he was faced by it.
- " Do you know which one is yours?" My voice was muffled by his core.
- "I think so." I heard him mumble as he walked in closer to the bats and I made sure I could not see them.
-"What?" I asked pulling away from his chest a little.
- " think so." He said a little louder than before. I could hear the noises they were making louder than before and their wings as well, so I squeezed him harder. He began to cough and said he could not breathe. Quickly, I loosened my arms and opened my eyes to see if he was fine. When I looked up at him, he had a smirk of triumph on his face. He walked towards the bat he had adopted and without letting go of him I followed. I was still scared that one of them would end up flying towards my face. I kept my face close to his chest at all times to avoid the possibility of one flying towards me. He must have been able to tell what I was trying to avoid because he told me that I did not have to keep hiding my face because they would not fly towards me. I asked him how he knew and he assured me that they would not and for some reason- maybe the tone of his voice- made me believe him. I slightly moved my face away from his toned pecs and loosened my arms around his waist as he looked at his adopted bat, Ben. I heard him call it as he looked for it..
- "Do you know, I have never come in here before. It is creepy, but not as bad as I thought it would be." I replied while taking a look around and looking at the names of the bats with him.
- " Found it!" I declared but stayed close to his side still.
- "Are you going to get it?" He asked me, but I remained by him and said,
- "Only if you walk with me." He took my arms and pulled me away from him. The same sensation that I had on my skin when he touched my arms traveled from my arms to the rest of my body as soon as he touched my arms again. I did not know whether he felt it too, but I noticed he gulped rather loudly.
- "you've come this far, come on you can do it." I stared at him for a bit and almost decided to do it until he started to walk towards it. I rushed beside him, but did not hold on to him anymore.
- "Wow, you have gone from hiding from them to walking around without holding me in a matter of seconds," he said as he grabbed some food to feed them.
- " Yes, well let's not celebrate just yet cause I just might revert back to where I started in a matter of a millisecond if they make a move towards me. He smiled and was careful not to laugh. He fed Ben a few bites.
- "Look at their wings. Did you know that they are the most agile in flight and are the only mammals capable of true and sustained flight because of their very long spread-out digits covered with a thin membrane or patagium? He pointed at its wings for me to see. My eyes followed his finger and I saw what he was talking about. It was rather interesting and although the bat was not cute at all I saw it as more than just the scary murcielago that I had envisioned in my mind because of the way they had been portrayed in the media before. After a few moments of just watching Ben and the other bats fly and hanging from their feet roosting, he looked at me and asked if I was ready to go. I replied that I was. He walked towards the gate as I scurried to it, opened it, pulled him out of it and quickly locked it back up.
- " See it was not that bad." He said. I briskly made my way back to the office as he and the bodyguards or people- whatever they were- followed along and listened as I talked a mile long. Even though we had a nice moment in there, I had a sudden hit of reality.
- "You made me go into a place I have never gone to and now it is forty minutes past my lunchtime, so I am going to have to go clock back in and let them know that they have to fix my time because I never took lunch because of the important person I had to assist." I immediately regretted that last part I said and turned to face him.
- "I am sorry! I did not mean to say that last part. I am really hungry and hunger puts me in a bad mood and I tend to be rude. I know it is not your fault. I heard you trying to tell him that you could get someone else but he would not listen. Anyway, I am just upset because I have not eaten. Please do not tell him that I do not clean the bat cages and that I pay someone to do it for me. You are obviously very important and have some influence over him. Please do not tell him." I pleaded, holding my hands in a prayer form. He took my hands in his and it immediately sent an electric current down my back. He pulled them apart and assured me that there was no need to plead to him and that he would not say anything to him. But immediately asked why he believed me to be such a good, obedient hard worker. I shrugged my shoulders and said I did not know then walked back to the office in silence. I thought about the situation at hand. I reacted instead of acting on my fear and my self-consciousness. He must have thought me crazy for pleading with him and for going off on him for no reason at all, or at least for talking it out on him, an innocent bystander visiting his adopted bat. I could not understand my reaction and why I was so hasty to go off on him. I also could not stop thinking how it felt to have his hands around me and how safe I felt around him. I wondered why I had not felt that yesterday when suddenly I realized that I had, but that I had also been keen to get on the computer to the tutoring session. Before walking into the office, he took my arm to halt me from going in and that current swept over me again. I met his gaze and in his baby blue eyes there was an earnestness that melted my heart.

- " listen, I am sorry for making you go in there. I know I should not have and I completely understand if you're mad at me. I should know my boundaries, but the adventurer in me is always seeking a bit of fun at the expense of others." I could not believe he was apologizing to me. I guess he felt as guilty as I did after the whole debacle that occurred and thought it was because of him that I went off on him. I felt even more guilty now for seeing him that way and making him feel as if it was his fault, even after I told him it was not. He quickly continued,
- " But I have a way of making it up to you." I tried to tell him that it was okay and that he did not have to make up anything for me, but he opened the door and guided me in and asked me what the manager's name was. I told him that his name was Mr. Bilbrey. He guided me towards the manager's office and addressed him by his name. Mr. Bilbrey quickly rose from his chair and began.
- "Yes, Mr.- I mean Henry." he was quick to correct himself.
- " I would like to ask you for a favor. Mr. Bilbrey." Henry now put on a very professional face and was acting quite mature, nothing like he had been with me inside the bat cage.
- "Most definitely anything you need- Henry." Mr. Bilbrey spread his arms out as he spoke to Henry. He seemed very open and ready to do whatever he asked. I wondered if he would quack like a duck if Henry asked him too.
- " Thank you. You are very kind. Miss Alehjandra here clocked out for her lunch right before she assisted me with locating my good friend Ben the bat, and well she never took her lunch. Seeing that she has not had her lunch and that she clocked out while she was actually working, I would like to ask that you let her go to lunch with me so she may have some nourishment, and I will have her back in an hour or so." Henry had his hands in front of him, his left fingertips touching the right fingertips as he asserted his authority and influence.
- "Well of course! Of course! We all need good nourishment to keep us going, especially to get our work done. And you may take her for the rest of the day if that pleases you. I would not like to stand between a man and woman especially when that man is—." Henry cut him off before he could finish saying who Henry was.
- "Yes, well I may just keep her for the rest of the day then." I looked up at him in disbelief. I could not believe what he had just said and to interrupt him like that just to keep part of his identity hidden from me. I could not believe it and it made me want to know who he was.
- " No problem Mr. - Henry. You two enjoy your meal and the rest of your day. But make sure that you are here at 6:45 am tomorrow Alejandra. I assured him that I would, thanked him, and bid him farewell.

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