Mr. Celebrity

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      He opened the door to a very expensive, sporty car that I had never seen, and let me in. I was not surprised, he had already shown me his gallantry. It was the car that somewhat surprised me. Once we were both in the car I was ready with questions that I wanted answered. I especially wanted to know what kind of important person he was.
-" So, who are you and why did you not let him finish saying what he was about to say?" I tried not to seem too prying, but it could not be helped.
- "It does not matter. Put your seat belt on please." He said as he turned the car on.
- " You might as well tell me because you know I will just google you and it'll tell me everything about you." I took my phone out and waved it at him. He swiftly snatched the phone out of my hands unexpectedly.
- " I like it like this for now, but I will tell you-eventually." He said with a side smile.
- "By eventually, you mean today before 5:00 pm, right? Because remember I have a student to teach." He chuckled when I said this.
- "I will. I promise but let me have this for a while. It is fun to just be me." he spoke softly.
- " That's fine. You can be you anytime you want." I replied.
- "No, I can't. He said with a solemn look on his face.
- "Ooh do not say too much because then you will say more than you want."
- "You are right. Let's drop that conversation." He moved the stick shift and started driving the car.
- "Where are you taking me?" I asked him sweetly.
- "You'll see." he looked pleased that he could keep something else from me.
- " What? Another secret?" I grunted without thinking and then realized what I had done.
- "I am sorry! I did not mean to grunt. Thank you by the way for getting me out of there for lunch, for the rest of the day really. You do not know how hungry I am." It seemed like every time I met this man
he was bound to see me hungry and defenseless. This was the second time that I had seen him, but it was enough to make me feel a bit conscious of my own eating habits and my hunger. I wondered if he wondered whether I ate enough or not. I hope he did not think I was too poor and could not feed myself. That was possible, but I hoped rather than figured that he did not think that I was too poor to support myself even though that was obvious since losing my employment teaching theater.
-"You do not know how hungry I am." I let out without thinking.
- "Oh, I can imagine. I am pretty hungry myself. I know this place that you will love." It seemed to me that he was saying this to put me at ease and that he was not hungry at all.
"Wait, how do you know that I will love it? You just met me yesterday." He laughed and replied.
"True, but you forget that I saw your refrigerator as well and that I have some idea about the foods that you eat. Also, most people that I take to this restaurant enjoy it as much as I do.
"Most people?" I challenged him.
"With the exception of one or two". He replied without hesitation.
"So, there is a chance of me not liking it." I stated and wondered if he would budge and admit it.
"Well, maybe but I swear it's really good. It's ——
"Ooh I know that place! Ihave been wanting to go for ages, but never have the time or the —." I stopped myself. I did not want to say the money aloud and then tried to go on but he then asked, 
" The what?" There was no reason not to tell him. Why not? He had already seen me at home scarfing down the frozen food that I heated in the microwave.
"I was going to say money. But now I realized that I did have the money at one point while I worked at Mount Nicole School. I guess I was always just too busy with either school work or church activities. That really was not that long ago, but it feels like it." I finished saying with a sigh.
" Really? What happened?" He inquired earnestly. I was a bit weary of saying too much and decided to tell him the bare minimum.
"I was dismissed. Budgets were cut and I taught an elective and well you know." I did not think to tell him that I taught theater or that I could get a job performing somewhere.
"When did all this happen?" He kept driving and kept his gaze on the road.
"About a month and a half ago. So yeah, not long ago at all. Like I said, it just feels like a lifetime because I am doing something very different now." It was different. Even as I sat in this expensive sports car and was with a man who looked like a Greek god, I felt like a different person from another timeline as though I had never gone to school and taught elementary and middle school kids.
" I am sorry about that." He consoled me with his words and tone of voice.
"Thank you for sympathizing with me, but it's okay though. Working at the zoo has its differences, but it is not too bad a change. The upside of it is that I do not have as much stress or papers to grade." We laughed for a bit and we arrived at our destination.
"Sit still." He ordered in a firm but soft tone that made me obey. He opened my door and I walked out in my khakis, polo shirt, and boots. I had taken off my cap and let my straight hair down from the pony tail I was wearing earlier. I tried to brush it out with my hands but to no avail. The crease from the ponytail was visible, so I had to put it to the side. We went in and were seated down immediately. The host recognized him and got the manager to find him a seat of his choosing. We sat at the most intimate seating. The waitress was there promptly and could not take her eyes off him as she asked what we wanted to drink. Henry looked at me and asked me what I wanted. I met his eyes and replied.
" Water please." He still had his eyes on mine.
" Bring her some water and a cold beer for me please." He said this as he kept his eyes on me and handed her the drinking menus. She left and went to bring us the entree menu and our drinks.
"Water? With your meal?" He cocked his head to the side and raised his left brow. I knew it was
unheard for some people. But I did not drink any type of liquor and I did not care much for soda or any type of sugary drinks except maybe lemonade, but I had to be in the mood for that. I was not in the mood for lemonade. I wanted a big glass of water to freshen me up.
"Yes, what is the matter with that?" I asked smiling.
"Nothing, I was just wondering. But it makes sense now." He said as if he had remembered something.
"Wait. What makes sense?" I insisted on knowing what he meant by that.
"Nothing, forget I said anything. Just put it out of your head." He demanded.
"I cannot do that. And you cannot keep doing this to me. You cannot just keep me out of everything. Oh wait! Nevermind, I guess you can. Let's stick to things we can talk about, unless of course we can't. Wait, I just realized that I do not know what we can or cannot talk about. Better yet, we can sit here in silence. I could be on my phone while you-Wait- I can't do that either because you have my phone. I guess there is nothing to do but just sit here and stare at each other." I vented. I was getting
a little too frustrated with all this secrecy. Or was it something else? I could not tell.
"All right! You have made your point." he seemed to be enjoying seeing me frustrated.
"Really? I hope I was not too blunt." I smiled and so did he.
"I just remembered you saying something about going to church and so I realized that you do not drink because of that. That's what made sense." He reached out for something on the table.
"You are correct to come to that conclusion. Aren't you a regular Sherlock Holmes?" I laughed quietly and he gave me a faint smile. He seemed a bit uncomfortable at what I said.  The waitress was back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order, but I had not looked at the menu because I had been talking to him. I did not want to tell her that we were not ready either because I did not want to wait any longer. He looked at me as if he could read my mind. He opened my menu and painted towards a chicken pasta and vegetable dish.
"I suggest that. It is delicious. He suggested.
" I'll take that!" I decided confidently.
"Let me see." said the waitress reading the name of the dish on the menu.
"Okay, now, will these be two separate tickets or one ticket?" She asked as she fixed her eyes on Henry's. We both responded simultaneously. I replied that it would be two and he replied that it would be one. We went on like this for a little too long when he reached his hand out and placed it over mine. The electric sparks shot up my spine and I stopped. He looked the waitress straight in the eyes and told her one ticket. She seemed excited to have his attention.She took our order and told us that the complimentary food would be out in a second. In order to compose myself, I had to stop talking for a bit and let him slip his hand away slowly. I felt as though I was blushing and tried not to look straight at him for too long and looked away from him for a brief moment.
"Hey!" I heard him say.
"Is everything alright?" I tried to keep from looking his way.
"Yes, I am just tired, that is all." I lied.  As soon as I said that the complimentary food rolled in. I was thankful for it. I waited til he grabbed something, but he did not. So I just stared off in the distance trying to ignore the delicious smell.
"Would you like one?" he asked.
"Sure, but you can eat one first if you would like since you are the one buying." I declared.
"Ladies first." He offered.
"Right, I should have known." He smiled knowingly then added.
"I like to treat women as they should be treated. No, better than they should be treated." He acknowledged.
" You mean you like woo them." I teased. He froze a bit so I had ease the tension I had created.
"Chill, I was just joking. I know you are not trying to woo me. You are just gallant like that which probably has to do with your upbringing either because of your father or the British in you just comes out naturally." He chuckled at this.
" In any case, I do not mind it. The world needs more gallant men. If you ask me, there are not enough of them in the world which is a testament of your character for choosing to be who you want to be and not letting others' opinion to have an effect on your identity." I went ahead and took a piece of the complimentary food.
" Thank you. I do try not to. But it is hard sometimes." I took my time eating  the food. I remembered him saying that it was bad to eat too fast. I was accustomed to eating fast. I felt the need to have my mouth full of food, but I had to remind myself to slow down and take my time eating it so he would not see me eat that way again.
" I said that once to a magazine and got some backlash for it." I did not hink he would talk about anything that had to do with his fame. Obviously he was famous. The extent of it was unknown to me and I still had no idea who he was. I tried to remember if i had heard his name or seen his face in anything, but could not. Although I was surprised to hear him talk about this since did not want me to know who he was just yet, I remained calm and collected and hoped that he may slip and say something that would let me know more about his source of fame.
" I am sorry to hear that. Let's face it though, some people just want to be offended by everything. I feel like we can't say anything we want nowadays without hurting someone's feelings. In a generation when tolerance is taught, people are not tolerating anything, especially freedom of speech. Actions are not being backed up. You can just say you're tolerant and not be tolerant and get away with it!" I realized I had gone off on a rant and that I had to stop.
" What did you say exactly?" I asked him.
" I cannot even remember. I merely wanted to point out that men have to be careful with how they flirt or who they flirt with without making women feel uncomfortable or sexualized." He spoke with his hands and was getting passionate about it.
" I understand that, but you also have to understand that although women may overthink or over analyze things I don't think that they will over analyze a sincere man flirting with them. If you think about it, men could also say that they were being oversexualized or being made to feel uncomfortable." Just think of it like this. Any good looking person like yourself, who has ever been on the cover of a magazine naked, half naked, or showing some kind of skin is being sexualized. But a woman who feels sexualized or being treated like a piece of meat  is one that has been asked to do certain things to get them to consent to do something they do not want to do.  I know what you are saying and there is some truth to it, and I'll get into that in a minute, but the only way a woman truly is sexualized is when she is being asked to do something that will sell their appearance and even men. Now, women who go on to say that they have felt not just sexualized but have felt harassed because someone was saying something to them to feel that way. This  is usually when they are not attracted to that person or when that person comes off as a pervert." I was going for a second piece of the food that was in front of me.
"Okay, but how do I know when I am not sounding like a pervert or when I am harmlessly flirting with that person? Or even know when they are not attracted to me?" he insisted.
"What you say! How you say it! Honestly, I do not think that you would ever have that problem." I was getting passionate  about it myself as well and used my arms to speak.
" Even if that is true. I would still care about the rest of the men out there who are being called sexist. I just feel like women are too quick to judge and judge harshly at that." He was adamant about this and I could understand why he was.
"That is true. I cannot disagree with you there. Even when I try not to, I do. We usually call it women's intuition, but we are rather quick to say what we feel or think. I have to say that there are women who are not as quick, but there are a good amount of women that do judge harshly and quickly." I could not disagree with him on that. I had seen many women in my own lifetime be that way as much or maybe less than I had seen women do the opposite.
" I think you are the first woman I have met to agree with me." he remarked as he got a piece of the food to eat and then took a big bite.
"I am not sure about that." The food arrived and a hint of sauteed onion and garlic touched my nostrils. The steam and sizzling sound from the hot plates engulfed us and my stomach growled. As soon as she put the plate down, I said a silent prayer in my mind to bless the food. I was ready to eat but waited for him to start.
"Ladies first." That was awkward for me. I could not say why, but it felt as though I was on display and felt that he would watch me taking that first bite. I could not deal with that.
"How about we start at the same time?" I offered and waited for him to pick up his silverware. And we took a bit at the same time. We did not talk much as we ate because a couple of people noticed him and asked to take pictures with him. The first person was a very attractive girl that looked like she was twenty or twenty-one. She was walking by our table, took one look at him and started saying that she was a big fan and that she had seen all of his movies. I hoped that she would name one but she did not. She asked if she could take a picture with him to which he smiled and did so with a professional grin that I saw him use with Mr. Bilbrey. He smiled for the camera and she went on without one glance at me. He apologized for it but I explained that he did not need to and that I was expecting to hear her name in one of his movies. He chuckled and we kept on eating when a guy came up to us and apologized if he was interrupting our meal and asked for a picture. Henry gave him that professional smile and said, "sure!" The only thing that began to bother me was the fact that I still did not know what movies he was in. I wanted to ask him, but I did not have much time because a group of four women from across the rom came over and all asked for a picture with him. This gave me the opportunity to finish my meal without him noticing me scruff down on my food. One of the women spoke up as they were leaving.
"Thank you Superman!" My eyes went wide in surprise and suddenly realized who he was, and recalled hearing that the new Superman was played by the guy who played Jim Cavaziel's son in one of my favorite movies- The Count of Monte Cristo. I placed my fork down and put my hands over my face. I felt like a fool not recognizing him. Once the women left, he motioned the waiter for the ticket and I stepped into the ladies' room to hide my embarrassment. I was embarrassed for two reasons. Reason 1 was that he was Superman- a big role in movies. Some may say an iconic role which made me uninterested in Superman-hmm! Reason 2: I saw the movie but could not remember what it was about. I could not recall seeing him in it nor could I remember one detail of it. This made things worse because I could not tell him that I had seen it and not remember any of it which speaks either badly of me or the film, perhaps even him or his acting. This thought was mortifying. I was now afraid to mention anything about his acting career. Especially because when it came to that, I was a pretty frank critic- perhaps even rude. I also did not know how he would take it, and I did not want to offend him in anyways, so I began to wonder if I should address it at all. I thought about it for a bit and came up with the realization that it was best not to mention it at all. I believed that if he wanted to talk about it he would bring it up himself. After stepping out of the ladies' room, I found a crowd of people that wrapped itself around the booth that he and I had been seating at. I saw that he was taking pictures with fans. I looked at the time on my watch and it was two o'clock pm. That put me at ease for a bit until I realized that if he was going to take a picture with every single person in this crowd I would not make it on time for my tutoring session. I began to be afraid. The crowd was intense and awaiting to get closer to him. I thought that if I tried to go around them that they may think I was a fan trying to cut in line. I began to wonder how the people would react if I got closer to him. But he was my ride home, unless. No, I could not just leave without telling him. It would be unfair to him and rude. I tried to think of what I could do. I saw our waitress and asked if she could point me to where the crowd started because I needed to get back beside Henry, so he could take me home. She looked at me as if she did not know who I was.
" I am sorry. I cannot do that. Do you not see all these fans? I can't get you through that and besides I do not remember seeing you with him." I could not believe what I had just heard or that she really did not see me with him. I could not tell if she was just jealous or if she really meant it. If the latter was true, then it meant that I was not someone that people would remember much. If she was jealous, I told myself that that did not matter. What mattered was that I got to him to get my phone and so that I could make it back home in time. I tried another waitress and told her the problem and to see if she could get a way for me to get back to my table. Believing I was a fan trying to get closer thim, she told me to wait in line for my turn to which I replied that I was not a fan trying to get a picture with him, but that I was in fact there with him and that he had my phone which I needed. She did not believe me either. I walked over to the bar and told the bartender to let Henry know that Alejandra would be waiting by the car until 4:00 p.m and fearing that the he would not get the message, I began to make plans to take public transportation home. As soon as I started to walk off, I heard someone yell my name. It was his assistant.
" Hey! I am so sorry! Please wait. He is almost finished. And if he is not we can take you home. I can make sure that you have a ride home." She was winded and the words came out as she gasped for air.
"Yes, that is fine. I just did not know how I would get back home. He also has my phone with him. Would you mind getting it for me?" I asked her and hoped she said she already had it, but she did not.
" I do not. Let's just get you in the car and wait for him. I promise he will be there ready to go." She tried to assure me. But that was hard to do at the moment because I was feeling anxious that I would not make it home again. I did not want a repeat of the last time I was with him. I prolonged that session, but the parents were not happy and left a complaint with the administrator. It was not but a couple of minutes since I went into the car when he showed up.
" I am so sorry! I really am. I did not mean for that to happen and I certainly did not mean for you to get anxious enough to start walking home." He spoke apologetically and earnestly as he started the car and put his seat belt on.
" I was not going to walk home. I was going to go wait for public transportation. Also, why is it that everytime I am with you I am worried about being late for my online session with my students?" I asked jokingly. He did not laugh with me as I hoped he would and sped up the car.
"Watch, I will get you home 30 minutes before you have to be there!" He was speeding quite quickly and the car made a loud noise. He also sounded quite serious and curt.
"Please do not break the speed limit on my account. I am sure that we will have time for me to get there." I tried to assure him that it was fine, so he would stop pressing on the gas pedal but he did not. We rode in silence which I was grateful for because I did not want to have to acknowledge that I knew the movie Superman and have that awkward conversation of explaining why I did not recognize him. I contemplated what I should talk about but nothing came to mind.  He seemed tired until he spoke.
"Is everything okay?" He seemed upset and glanced my way for a second as if to read my thoughts.
"Yes, Why? Should there be anything bothering me?" I wondered whether he could sense that I did not want to talk about the film.
"No, I was just wondering because you seemed to have something in your mind. You were also more chatty on our way here and before what happened at the restaurant. He kept a satirical eye on me.
"I just thought you would not want to talk much after that." I said looking back at him.
"How considerate of you. But it is alright, I do not do much talking. It is tiring though." He kept his eyes on the road still serious and curt.
"I can imagine. People can be pretty demanding." I contemplated as he drove and gazed out the windshield until I heard him sigh quite loudly as if he was upset about something.
"Yes, they can. Were you waiting outside the whole time?" his tone changed when he asked whether I had been waiting outside. He was definitely upset.
"Only after I left the ladies' room. I wanted to go around the crowd, but I could not and the waitresses thought I was just trying to get a picture with you, so I told the bartender to let you know that I would wait outside for you until 4:00 o'clock. I asked the bartender because I was sure that he would tell you and knew that the waitresses would not." I realized that it sounded presumptuous as well as harsh and judgemental after I said it. But before I could apologize for it he began to speak.
"He did not let me know. No one did. I had to ask my aunt to ask about you and no one knew until one of them remembered hearing you tell you someone that you were with me and that you would be waiting for me by the car. I thought the worst really. I thought something had happened to you." he kept looking back at me as he said this.
" I am so sorry I didn't mean to worry you like this. I was just anxious to get home  and by the way, I did not know your aunt or personal assistant was there. So, I did not know that there was someone that I could have gone to to get to you." I could not believe this turn of events. I was also wanting to tell him about the waitress treating me like she did but I did not want to upset him anymore. Whether it would upset him or not, I did not know. I did not want to take the chance of finding out whether it did or not.
"No, I am really sorry about this. Everytime I say I am going to keep it short, I don't and time gets away from me. This is my fault not yours. I thought I had caused something to happen to you, but I am glad to see that you are okay and that you did not go anywhere and waited for as long as you did." He was not curt anymore and spoke frankly and evenly. That made me feel less anxious and knew that if I  happened to lose this tutoring job it would  be because it was meant to happen and that this man was either going to be the hero of my story or the villain in it, and that it would be up to me to make sure he is either out of my life or in it. I just did not know which one he would be just yet.
"Listen, I know that I should have more control of those things.  It does tend to interfere with my private life. I wish it did not but I cannot control it all the time because then I would never go out, and I want to keep some type of normalcy or something that makes me feel like the common man. I do not want to disappear from the public and be like those private people that stay out of the limelight. I want the fans to be able to see me and relate to me. I feel as though I have let you down somehow. I feel that I have lost my shot with you because of it." There it was. The opportunity that I had just been thinking about. Here was my opportunity to be rid of a man that I had just met two days ago, or to give him the opportunity to either give me what I have always yearned for, or to get and do whatever he wants from me.  I contemplated it before I could find a reply. I knew it was a risk. The question was not whether it was a risk. The question was whether I would take it or not. He parked the car and I looked down at my watch. We made it right at 4:30 and I was glad of it. I thanked him for the lunch and asked him to walk me to my apartment. He explained that it was the least he could do for making me go into the bat cage. We walked in silence towards my apartment. When we arrived, he kept smiling and said  that he had a good time. I told him that I did too and that I enjoyed my meal but immediately regretted it because of the focus I was putting on the food. He laughed and his smile was wider than before. I knew he was waiting for an answer. This was definitely going to be a new change in my life if I said yes.

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