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Henry video chatted me at 4:00 am to say he was at the airport waiting for his flight. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"I really wish you were with me." He sighed.

"I wish I could as well, but we will be fine. We have done it before. We can last until July." I tried to encourage him to stay positive.

"It's true. But that is if he allows it, correct? Do you think he will?" He inquired.

"To be honest, I do not know. I am not sure what he will say at all. We will have to wait and see." I was as forthright as ever, and I did not know how he would react.

"Well, I guess we will just have to expect that he will." He finished resolutely.

"What if he does not? Is there another day you'd pick if he does not? Is there any other day you'd pick if we have to push it back?" I looked into his eyes wondering if he did have another day that he would want to set the window to.

"I do not. If that happens then you can choose the date." He replied as soon as I finished the question.

"Okay. I guess that also depends on what he says." He looked somewhat disturbed, but I did not know what to tell him to ease his mind.

"I do not like depending on someone to know when I can marry you. It feels very restricting and almost as if I have no say in the matter. I do not understand how you do it." He muttered incredulously.

"I do not do it on my own. I say many prayers and it is during that time that Christ helps me and even when I read the scriptures that I get my strength from. Like an invisible lifesaver. I know it is hard to understand for the onlooker, but I can assure you that in my mind and heart, I know I am doing what the Lord wants me to do. But enough of that. I will let you know what he says as soon as I speak to him."

"Please do. I know I am being a bit difficult about all of this, more specifically on wanting the wedding to be on that precise day, but it is rather a special day. It is not every day one gets married. And I would like to be as special for me as it is for you." He held my gaze for a bit without speaking until I spoke up again.

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but why is the day we met so important to you? I am not saying is not special, I find it charming that you want to do it on that day. I guess what I am truly asking is what was so special about that day because I feel that we have had better moments than that particular day. Like the bat cages." He laughed and shook his head.

"Of course, you would think the bat cages would be the most special. Was it because you felt my hard abs and muscles?" It was my turn to laugh.

"Yes, oh mighty one! You with your strong arms and body of a builder." I can be as sarcastic as him when I want to, and we both laughed together.

"But really admit it. It was the body."

"No, it was the way I felt. I felt. I felt safe and like I was home." I still feel that way and thought of that feeling that he engulfed me in with his warmth.

"Fair enough. I will gladly answer your question. If you recall, we first saw each other as you were coming home from work with your hands full of groceries. You were practically running with them. You had everything under control and as though you had no need for help, but when you looked up at me as we were trying to figure out which way to go, I was struck with the need to help you and see you again. Then, when we were at your house, you again had everything under control even though you were running late. But you didn't seem stressed just ready to handle everything that came your way and so certain in your decisions. I knew right then that you were the woman I never knew I needed; that you were the woman that didn't need me, yet I wanted to help and keep by my side." I felt my eyes fill with tears. The thought of Henry feeling the need to be there for me and tend to me. The thought of him seeing me the way he just described me filled me with an inexplicable joy and happiness.

Falling For Henry CavillWhere stories live. Discover now