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I could not stop thinking about what he said the night before when I woke up. It did not shake me; I knew I could not expect someone that is not a member of my church to understand what it meant to me and how devout members of the faith live the way we do. It bothered me because this was me. My faith was what made me who I was, and I expected him to know enough about me to know that that was what made me who I was and to accept it. Yet, by the sound of his comment it meant that he did not. I did not expect him to be a member or join me in my faith, even though the thought shook me to my very core because I had one goal, and that was to get married in the church. I knew I could not do that with Henry; I did not think of this often because even though I could not stand being apart from him I also could not see us married in the church and that thought saddened me. I was awake and lying in his arms as my thoughts were troubling me. Yet, the warmth he radiated and the joy I got from his presence made me cuddle against him even more. He tightened his arms around me and breathed on the top of my head. I needed to get up and get ready for church but could not move. I felt attached to the hip of the man who had suddenly shown up in my life and had engulfed himself around me. After a few minutes, wrapped around his arms, I started to push his arms away from me and wiggled myself out but as soon as I did, he held me tighter, opened one eye and asked what I was doing. 

"I have to go to the bathroom." I replied and he grunted. 

"Well, hurry up and come back to lie down with me." he demanded. I laughed as I got up out of his arms and patted his thigh before I pushed myself up and retaliated. 

"I can't! I want to but I have church. "I made my way to the restroom. He grunted again and sat up. 

"You are not staying? You know I leave today. I was hoping to be with you until I boarded the plane which leaves in five hours. That means we only have three hours together so let's make them count." His eyes said more than his lips and in them I saw a need I had never seen. I had never felt needed in that way and I had never wanted to reciprocate the way I did then. It was invigorating but fearsome at the same time. I went into the restroom and as I relieved the pain in my stomach, I found another type of pain. The thought of asking him to come to church with me crossed my mind but was fearful of the tension it might create. I still could not stop thinking about the remark he made last night about the reception and the company. I could not imagine what he would say about the church services. I also felt guilty if I did not stay since he had arranged to visit me and accompany me to Edward and Millie's wedding. Everything pointed to me staying with him, so I did and went with him and his security team to the airport where he asked me to go with him. I was taken by surprise and did not know what to say for a while until he told me to forget it. But I could not. Once I saw his disappointment, I quickly spoke up.

-"I need to prepare for it, you know. I am not packed. I have none of my things to take with me." I stated plainly.

-"You don't need all of that. I could buy it all for you. Wouldn't you want a new wardrobe?" He insisted adamantly.
"Of course, I would not, but I don't want to make you buy me a new wardrobe. I also need to let Mr. Bilbrey and my student know about it as well. I have to plan for these things. I have too much going on." I explained even though I did want to get on that plane with him and just go wherever and travel.

-"That's true. I was not thinking about it. It was rash of me to suggest it." He admitted but
I could see the same longing in his eyes that I had seen earlier that morning when he asked me to stay with him. And even though we laid on the couch for most of the morning, it did not go far. We were in control. As we sat in the car outside of the airport, we held on to each other fervently before parting. Once he got out, I saw a few people gathered around with cameras and phones shouting his name to look at the camera. The driver took me home and immediately after driving away from the airport he texted me.

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