It's Christmas Already?

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"So, you never answered my question. Are you going with me?" He kept on pressing. I was tactical with  my answer.

"Henry, I would love to join you, if I could. And I know that we do not see eye to eye on the matters of the soul, but I cannot. I cannot put myself into a position where I am going to have the opportunity to fall off the wagon. I must avoid all situations that would compromise you and me. I am sorry to say it, but I cannot. Please do not be mad at me." I pleaded with him.

"I am not mad, just a bit disappointed. "He was grim. I could not win. I was disappointing  everyone, I felt. First my mom, which I had to talk to Henry about and now him.  I was not at a great place emotionally and wanted to cry. Before I could stop them, tears started to fill up my eyes. He noticed them and pulled me in towards him for a second time.

" I am sorry I didn't mean to distress you. I know what you are doing is important to you and I do respect that. It's just that now that we know about the baby, I just thought it was official and that it would be okay. I did not think it through. I am sorry." He kissed the top of my head.

"It's not just that." I managed to say it after a few seconds. "I just feel like I am disappointing everyone. First my mom and now you. I spoke quietly and held on tight to him for comfort.

"What happened with your mom?" He inquired as he rubbed my back.

"She is upset because I told her that I was not sure if I was coming for Christmas vacation this year." I explained.

"Does she know about the baby?" He asked.

No, I have not told anyone. Moira knows because she took me to the doctor and was with me, but other than her and you, no one else knows." He sighed. We did not say anything for a while as I rested my head on his chest. I knew he was thinking about what to say next and probably what to do. I finally spoke up.

"I will have to tell her soon. I was thinking of heading out myself and telling her about it. I just don't know what to do and how to do any of this. I know I have made it difficult for us to be together. I know how impossible and irregular all this is. None of us thought it would come to this. I want us to be together. I want you there with me when I tell them or be there with you when you tell your family, if you plan on it. But I cannot trust myself around you, and you cannot trust yourself around me which puts us in a debacle. I cannot fall again. I will not do that again. I do not make the same mistake twice. I learn from them, and I move on. With the grace and mercy of  God, I grow and become a new person each time. It is the process of becoming better than I was before. I cannot stop my process now, but I feel like we could come to some arrangement that would make this easier." We had just arrived back home where we were ushered out the door and took his luggage in with the help of the driver. He did not reply or say a word as we got out and he proceeded into his house. I stood outside waiting for him. He walked out.

"This is just silly," he proclaimed.

"What?" I didn't know what he was referring to.

"You, standing out here. Come in. It's cold out there."

"I will just head to the house and video chat with you." I started walking away; He followed me and turned me towards him by the shoulders.

"This is mad. I am mad. There is obviously only one solution." He exclaimed. I looked at him.

"What is it?" I was not thinking. I was worried and had no idea what solution he was about to propose.

"Let's get married." Standing out in the cold and shook in disbelief, I could not wrap my head around what he had just said. He then got down on one knee, took out a box with a ring in it and asked,

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