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I knew something was going on with my body when I woke up one morning in late November. Henry came in with his press schedule. He offered to take me, and I wanted to because I would have loved to go to Argentina, Poland, the United States, and London. My body was lacking energy and I felt terribly dizzy. I did not tell him that, but I told him that I was not feeling well. While about to start the second month of the repentance process, and my body not feeling well, Henry was gone to do press work. Moira noticed that I looked thinner, paler, and that I lacked the usual energy that I had and told me about it one Sunday after church. She urged me to go to the doctor and offered to accompany me. Shortly afterward I made an appointment with a doctor. My appointment was short. They had me take a pregnancy test that came out positive. I was so glad to have Moira with me because without her I could not imagine handling the situation well. Although she was with me and was a source of support and comfort, I was in a state of shock. She was a perfect stand in mother and held me as I tried to wrap my head around the news. I began to cry suddenly and without realizing it. I was sure that I would have kids once I was married to the man I loved and that we would both be together when we heard the news. 

The realization that this was not going to happen and that the possibility was out of the window brought me to tears that I could not hold back, Moira held me closer to her and comforted me. She knew exactly what to say to make me smile and make me realize that no matter what happened from this time on that I would be stronger and that there was a being that would depend on me and needed my spiritual guidance in everything. She helped me realize that no matter what I expected before did not matter. The only thing that mattered was what I did from this point on to be a better person than I was before. Overwhelmed with a sense of duty to myself, I promised myself that I would do everything I knew in my power to do to make this baby's existence count and have a purpose. My only purpose in life was to lead this little being by my own example and faith in God. Once I was out of the doctor's office and had Moira take me home, the only thing I could think of was how I was to tell Henry the news. Every idea that came to mind seemed ridiculous and too trivial for the news. I wanted to call him and just tell him, but I was worried about his reaction.

 Consequently, this made me worry more than I already was and wondered if he wanted to know or if he cared that I was pregnant with his offspring. I felt the worry and stress of telling him to get to me. Besides the dizziness and fatigue that I was experiencing,for which the doctor had given me vitamins, I was also suffering from stress headaches. I could not take anything but mild over the counter medicine that did not help much. Soon, I began to exhibit morning sickness. The nausea and feeling of vomiting in the morning was daunting. I had to have saltines or something acidic to help calm it and nothing else.

After two weeks, Moira, Emma, Maggie, and Millie insisted that I call Henry and tell him. The fear of his response held me back, but I knew that I had to do it. I knew that I had to tell him that he would be a father. I was too afraid to and I postponed it until they assured me that he would want to know and that he deserved to know, now matter what. I sent a text to him that read:

Alejandra:I have some news.

Henry: What is it?

Alejandra: I cannot tell you over text. You will have to call me when you get the chance.

Henry: I will. I love you!

Alejandra: I love you too.

He called me an hour or so later. .

-"What is going on? Is everything okay? Are you alright?"

-"Yes, everything is fine with me. I just have to tell you something and I do not know how to say it."

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