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Knowing something is going to happen is nothing like going through that which has to happen. I knew Henry was not going to be around for long and although I was mentally prepared for it I was not prepared emotionally for it. That Sunday came and went. After the picnic, his brother went back to Henry's while Henry went back to my house. We sat down beside each other and he placed his arm around me. I got comfortable and laid my head back on his arm as we kissed until he pulled back. I did not want him to stop, but I could tell he had something in his mind.

"I do not know how to tell you this, but I leave for London tomorrow." He said
apologetically, I was a bit surprised because he had not said anything about it before.

"Oh!" I began with a confounded expression on my face.

-"What time will you be leaving?" I straightened up and waited for his answer.

-"I leave early in the morning. My flight leaves at seven a.m. but you know the airport rules."

-"Yes, you must be there two hours before your flight. A lot of waiting around. Don't you get certain perks when you are a celebrity? Couldn't they just wait for you." I laughed as I asked what I knew would be his answer.

-" Right. I am sorry I did not say anything earlier. I did not know how to bring it up. I am going to be gone all week." He looked a bit concerned.

-"It's fine. I completely understand and do not worry about making it for the reception. They were just trying to see what you would say and trying to get us together."

" We are together. Aren't we? He raised an eyebrow as he posted the question.
"Are we? We have not officially discussed it." I responded. 

"True, but I guess I believed it was understood. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not go around making a girlfriend everywhere I go." He confessed. 

"I would not know." I said and closed my lips tightly. He looked at me in the eyes and placed his hand on my face and in his husky voice said:

"Listen, I really am going to try and make it Saturday. I may not be there for the whole thing, but I will make it. Just please tell me it is in the evening because if it is not then I cannot make it." The earnestness in his eyes made me believe him. 

"It is in the evening." I assured him and leaned in for a kiss. It was hard to pull away from him afterward. He left around ten at night after several attempts at goodbye. It was hard to let him go, but even harder to watch him walk away knowing that it would be a long while before I saw him again. Emotionally it was draining. Luckily, we had exchanged phone numbers before he walked back to his home.

I woke up to a video call from him. He shared every detail of his schedule with me and went over what times he was available and when he was not. He also told me where he was staying in case I could not reach him. We were on video chat for a while until I had to prepare for work and apologized for cutting him off, but that I had to get ready for work to which he replied that he wished I was with him. I smiled and wished for the same thing. I could not believe how we had come to this point so fast. I never imagined myself talking like this to anyone. 

Unwillingly, I turned the camera off. As soon as I did, I felt an emptiness that I had never felt before. As I went into work, I noticed several women staring at me. When I arrived at work some of them asked if I was dating Henry Cavill or just sleeping with him. I did not expect such a question and was bewildered by it. Instead of answering her question, I stammered and searched my brain for the right words to say. They waited there until Mr. Bilbrey came out of his office and ordered them to go about their work. He came up to me and asked if there was anything I needed and if Henry would be gracing the zoo with his presence again. I andwered no with a shake of my head. He then proceeded to rush me out of the office to get started to work. I reeled on the question that Chloe asked.

Falling For Henry CavillWhere stories live. Discover now