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              Upon entering the Allen's house, we were met by Emma, Ethan, and Eva who were excited to have Henry there. Their excitement was obvious, and they were crowding around us to talk to him. Sister Allen asked them to give me some space and to bring the laptops, so we could connect to our parents. We assured her that we could use our phones instead and that the laptops were unnecessary, but she insisted on us using them. We obliged. The food that Henry ordered came in before we called the parents, so I ate before we talked to them. And I felt less irritated and angry then before. feeling more agreeable, I began to look forward to finding out the gender of the baby. The Allen's were helpful and hospitable as always and made that Henry felt at home and at ease. They also offered to stop out if we wanted while we revealed the gender of the baby without parents, but I insisted that they stay and join in the moment. They were still like family to me, and I could not imagine going through it without Gemma and I could not imagine going through it without her and John. I wanted to share the news with them as much as I did my parents and Henry's parents. I could tell Henry was getting used to them and being around them because he was much more open and friendlier than before. Even though he always seemed at ease, I could start to tell the difference from when he was pretending and when he was actually at east. Today, he was at ease and excited. As soon as we could, we connected with our parents through zoom. We called them at the same time. Mom answered the phone on the second ring. She had been waiting on my call. Seconds later, my dad joined her on the other side of the computer. Henry's parents answered right away and were both sitting in front t of the computer. Henry introduced them to the Allens and then we introduced our parents to one another. My mom with her broken English and my dad with his thick Mexican accent greeted Henry's parents. 

-"Okay!" Well, I am glad everyone's with us to join us in the revealing of the baby's gender. Here we go. Henry, do you want to open the envelope?" I turned to him and gave him the envelope. He took it from me and replied with an anticipated yes. We all sat in silence while he opened it. He looked at the envelope and smiled and muttered. 

- "It's a girl." I placed my hands over my mouth in surprise and joy. Gemma came over to me and held me. I was so overwhelmed with joy and emotions that I did not know whether to cry or to smile. I could see the happiness and gleam in Henry's eyes. His bright broad smile spread over his face, and he could not stop smiling. After John and Gemma hugged me, he then held my hand and turned his attention to my dad and asked if could ask him a question in private. My dad accepted and Henry walked into another with the laptop in hand. He came back a few minutes later with a grin on his face. He looked as though he had a trick up his sleeve. When he put the computer down, we said goodbye to our parents. They wished us luck and to see us soon. My parents expressed their wishes to be with us soon and for me to take care of myself as did his parents. Once we turned off the cameras and were ready to leave the Allen's home, John and Gemma mentioned that the baby girl would be everything we ever wanted which made me share with them my own revelation. 

-"About a month or so ago, I dreamt with a little girl. I could not see her face just the back of her hair. IT was curly and she was just standing there. I did not think anything of it then, but now knowing that baby is a girl, I have a feeling it was her I saw. I guess we will see once she grows up." Henry looked at me astonishingly. 

- "It is a possibility. Either way, we are very happy for both of you. We can see that you are both very excited which is what every baby should have, two parents that are excited and awaiting their arrival." concluded John. 

-"Thank you so much for opening your home to us and letting us come over not just today, but pretty much on the time that we are together. You guys are great, and I am glad to know such good people. " Henry spoke with such affection that I felt as though he was speaking to me as well. I fell myself falling in love with him all over again. Shortly after that conversation, we left, and his driver took me home. On the way home, I ventured to ask Henry what he spoke about with my father. 

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