New Beginnings

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January passed on rather quickly, but I woke up every morning nauseous and ready to vomit without being able to.  I had to either drink Sprite or eat some crackers to calm the nausea. Some days I would be able to get rid of it before I taught my first student, others I would not until after lunch. Very few times was I able to vomit and get rid of the nausea afterwards. Those days were few. I was glad that I could stay and teach from home rather than getting up and out at the same time every day. I did get dressed, but I was glad that I could stay home and teach while I was dealing with morning sickness. Maggie would usually make sure that I had enough crackers and Sprite at home when she came back from work herself. Her photo career was taking off and her pictures graced many magazines, but she was still my friend and helped me many mornings. My body was not the same. When I was not nauseated, I was dizzy even though my doctor prescribed me some Iron and prenatal vitamins that I was taking religiously. I took them after dinner because it was the only time that I knew I would not vomit them up. Henry began filming again and would come over when he could, usually on the weekends, but we would video chat everyday and often throughout the day. It was usually to talk about our day, the baby, baby names and wondering what the baby's gender was. We could not talk for too long which is why we would call often to finish up our conversations, but we always started another. Sister Allen, Gemma, was over a lot as well and would sometimes bring dinner. Other ladies from church would do as well and the dishes were always home-made and comforting. Soon January was over and we were all awaiting the baby's gender. Morning sickness was almost non-existent. If it did occur, it would only last for a couple of minutes. For the rest of the day I was fine and would crave tuna and pickles. I was due for an appointment soon and it would reveal the awaited information-the child's gender. Henry promised that he would be there with me to hear the news. When the time for the appointment came, I walked in the room by myself. Henry was held up at the airport and not by my side the way he had hoped. Like the realistic person I am, I was ready for the situation and asked the doctor to put the gender of the baby on an envelope so that I could open it later with my boyfriend. I never thought that I would utter that sentence-ever. I did not dwell on the negative aspect of that sentence, but instead went on telling him that I did not want to know before him. He obliged me and did as I asked. I left the doctor's appointment with the envelope in my hand wondering what it said and excited at the prospect of knowing what the baby was. Whatever it was, I was prepared to love him or her whole heartedly until it was sick of me. Henry arrived at the spot as I was leaving, He held me at arm's length part by the shoulders.

- "I am so sorry!" I was truly trying to make it here on time, but people kept badgering me at the airport. You know what I mean. He was wearing a hoodie to cover his face and held a pair of sunglasses in his hand and was pointing at them. He went on.

- "I missed it didn't I?" He threw his arms out in exasperation.

- "Just go ahead and tell me what it is." He ran his hand over his hair.

- "I can't tell you what the baby is. " I replied. He looked at me with contempt.
- "Why? Are you just not going to tell me?" He was mad all of a sudden, so I quickly explained.

- "I cannot tell you because I do not know the gender of our baby either." I showed him the envelope in my hand and added.

- "I had the doctor write it down and put it in this envelope so we could open it together." He placed his arms around my waist and lifted me up causing me to scream and giggle at the same time. He spun me around then said,

- "This is why I love you so much!" He held me tight and then abruptly broke off.

- "Let's open it and find out." He sounded like an excited little boy.

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