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  I went to bed thinking about how I would answer, but I only went in circles about it in my head and it took me a while to fall asleep. It all seemed to be going too fast. We had only met each other two days ago and already he was asking me to consider a relationship with him. It was sudden and I was not prepared for it, but if I was being truly honest with myself, I would have said that I was more than ready. I just did not want to admit that I was ready for a relationship with a man whom I had just met and that there was something familiar and assuring, something- constant and safe about being around him. After I had spoken about the food and he smiled at me expecting an answer, I told him that he would have to take me on a real date before I could give him an answer for sure. His smile got wider. It was radiant and his eyes beamed. His pointy canines twinkled, and I almost said yes, but he shook his head yes and said that he would gladly take me out on a real date the next evening. I smiled back and told him that it would have to be late in the evening. He was okay with that and said that he would be there at eight o'clock p.m. After we established a time for the date, I went in and immediately logged on the computer to be ready for my tutoring session with Ming while Maggie was in the kitchen fixing herself some tea and asked where I had been and why I had not answered my phone earlier. I replied that I did not have my phone and it was not until then that I realized that I still did not have my phone and that Henry had it. I made it within the fifteen-minute mark for the session. No bad reviews or complaints from these parents. What a relief. I fell asleep shortly after I finished my session. As soon as I woke up, I was worried over my phone and wondered whether I could get it before I left for work. I looked at the time on the clock of the living room as I put on my boots and worked out how much time I had left and wondered if there was a way to find out where his home was, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that they would never tell me where he lived in because of his celebrity status. I had to go to work without my phone and knew I had to wait for him to give it to me that evening which in return made me wonder why he did not bring it back last night, or if he even knew he still had it with him. After wondering on the subject, I knew I Had to use someone's phone from work to call it and tell him to bring it to me at work and hoped that he would be able to. At work, the preparations for the Durrell Challenge were almost done and the event itself was to occur in three days. As soon as I opened the door to leave there was Henry outside my threshold looking awkwardly at me.

"Did you know I was out here? "He asked laboriously.

"Not at all. I was heading out for work." I stepped outside and stood inches away from

him. A hint of mint toothpaste suddenly reached my nostrils and the warmth of his body radiated. I closed the door and went on.

"But thank you so much for dropping off my phone. I thought I was going to have to head to work without it." I smiled and took the phone that he was handing it to me.

"It rang. That is how I realized I still had it. I am sorry that I did not remember to give it back. It rang several times this morning, it was the same number. Someone must really need to talk to you." He spoke laboriously still as if he had been running for a bit.

"I wonder who. I'll look through it on the way to work. Thank you so much for bringing it. I must really get going though or I'll be late for work." I began to walk and he


"That is fine. I am just glad I got it to you before you left for work. By the way, those microwave dinners that you eat before your tutoring session, do not eat any because I will be cooking dinner tonight and I do not want you to be full. Instead eat a light snack like some fruit or nuts or something of the sort." He was speaking with a familiarity and

Falling For Henry CavillWhere stories live. Discover now