About Town

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As soon as I heard the tone go off, I wanted to tell him how I was feeling; I wanted him to stay on the phone to assure me that everything would be alright, and even though he had, I wanted to hear the sound of his voice still so that I could feel close to him and sense the security that everything would be alright. I knew that it would eventually get out that someone would take picture and put it out there for everyone to see, yet I never imagined strangers in all forums saying things-mean things- about me, a stranger to them. They spoke of me and my motives as if they knew me and with an invigorating assurance that left out all possibility of the truth. They were vultures at the feast wanting to eat me alive for being with Henry and I did not know what to do or what to think. It was impossible to know how to act or say to the accusations because I could not defend myself from the heat because I did not know how to, nor did I have the resources to; Henry did. I was dependent on him, and if I did try to defend myself the possibility of adding fuel to the fire was inevitable. Maggie, who had not stopped texting me about it from work since she caught wind of it, assured me that it was defamation of character and that the Courier-the magazine- could not get away with without paying the price. I hoped with all my heart and mind that she was right, but I feared that they would get away with it somehow and that it would only get worse before it would get better. I was wrapped up in my own thoughts when his chauffeur arrived to pick me up. I could feel his warm secure embrace that enveloped me whole and made me forget the world and everything in it. 

Not only were there many paparazzi at the airport waiting on Henry outside of the airport, but there were many fans there as well. Afraid of what would happen and under Henry's strict instructions. I stayed in the backseat of the SUV until he was in the car which took more than half an hour. When I finally saw him, he was trying to make his way towards the car but the paparazzi around him impeded him from making long strides, and I could hear them all shouting questions at the same time. I couldn't hear what they were asking him, but I could tell by Henry's expression that they were asking invasive questions. The fans were leaning in with their phones expecting him to pose for the picture which he did. He managed to make it to the car, and stood there for a while answering some questions and taking selfies with the fans until he told them that he had to go. The chauffeur opened the door and as soon as he got into the car he held me against his chest. I had never been so happy to see him. I automatically asked what he had done to stop the rumors and whether he believed the rumors could be stopped since it seemed like it had gotten too far out of hand. 

"I can't say for sure. My publicist made some calls yesterday and he said that this kind of thing usually dies out in time and that we would have to be patient and wait for it to die down. He did suggest that I answer any questions that I can and make a few statements so that I acknowledge the rumors in Instagram and on mainstream media here in London to clear up any misconceptions the fans may have. I did get on Instagram and posted a picture of us and telling them who you were, how long we have been together, and that we were engaged. I do not know when and which media outlet I will be on yet, but he should be calling me sometime today to let me know when and where".  He had not stopped talking since got in the car and as soon as he took a break, I took my opportunity.

" I am glad you are back. You do not know how hard it has been since I heard about this. It has been really hard to stay calm and even though Gemma was a great support and a wonderful source of wisdom and comfort she was not you. It is incredible how different the support of a friend is to the love of a partner is and what kind of comfort each gives, because even though I felt her love and support somehow it did not seem enough. Not having you there with me by my side telling me that everything would be alright, making sure that we would get through it together and feeling in the same as you made me feel so distant from you. But having you here now makes it easier to go though it because the weight of it feels lighter somehow. Thank you so much for coming. It has been really hard this past month." I affirmed as I leaned in tighter against him. 

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